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FY2000 Defense Budget Publications

Defense and National security related material extracted from FY 2000 Federal Budget Publications

Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2000 --Appendix contains detailed information on the various appropriations and funds that constitute the budget and is designed primarily for the use of the Appropriations Committee. The Appendix contains more detailed financial information on individual programs and appropriation accounts than any of the other budget documents.

Historical Tables, Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2000 provides data on budget receipts, outlays, surpluses or deficits, Federal debt, and Federal employment covering an extended time period--in most cases beginning in fiscal year 1940 or earlier and ending in fiscal year 2002. These are much longer time periods than those covered by similar tables in other budget documents.

Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2000 contains the Budget Message of the President and information on the President's budget proposals. In addition, the Budget includes a descriptive discussion of Federal programs organized by function, i.e., by the primary purpose of the activity.

Analytical Perspectives, Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2000 contains analyses that are designed to highlight specified subject areas or provide other significant presentations of budget data that place the budget in perspective.

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