One Bad Deal Down...One Very Bad Deal to Go
By: Diane Sori / The Patriot Factor / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio
One Bad Deal Down...One Very Bad Deal to Go
By: Diane Sori / The Patriot Factor / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio
"Effective immediately, I am canceling the last
administration's completely one-sided deal with Cuba."
- President Trump's words this
past Friday at the Manuel Artime Theater in Miami's 'Little Havana'
Saying that the Cuban people suffered for almost six decades of
communist rule, President Donald Trump, to tremendous applause,
unraveled and rescinding Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s 'so-called'
historic accord that opened up trade and travel to Cuba... and he did
so by rightfully calling Obama's deal “terrible,” “one-sided,”
and “misguided"... and that is putting it mildly.
And so in a campaign promise kept to the anti-Castro voting bloc that
helped him win Florida in the 2016 election, President Trump stated
that he will be "a voice against repression" and "a
voice for the Cuban people." Adding
that Obama's easing restrictions on Cuba did not help the
Cuban people at all, especially with the Castro regime becoming even
more repressive in their trying to crush the island nation's growing
democratic movement, and because it still remains a regime that has failed
to take any positive action on human rights, Trump went on to explain
that current investments in business and tourism aided both Cuba's
military...as all business relationships and deals go through the Cuban
military...and Raul Castro's dictatorial regime...with any jobs
created going to party cronies and loyalists alone.
Translating into any American monies given being our taxpayer dollars
And in a bold move to hold Castro accountable for still on-going and
increasing oppression (in 2016 there were 9,940 short and long term
detentions of political protesters, up from 8,899 in 2014) and human rights
abuses ignored while Obama was president, President Trump let it be
known that sanctions will not be lifted until all political prisoners
are freed, until both freedom of assembly and expression is respected,
until all political parties are legalized, and until free and
internationally supervised elections are held, thus making it clear
who is now calling the shots and who is not...and not means one Raul
See President Trump's full Miami speech here:
"The career service people, in the State Department and Treasury
and in other places, are not in favor of changing this policy,"
said Sen. Marco Rubio
during his and Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart's May 3rd White House
meeting with President Trump...a meeting to try and get President Trump
to reverse Obama's Cuba policy. And they did so even though two
groups of pro-Cuba "engagement" House and Senate
Republicans each sent letters to President Trump and to key members of
his administration... letters asking for Cuba to remain "open"
citing the "entrepreneurial and national security benefits" as the reason for continuing Obama's Cuba policy.
Thankfully their letters failed.
See Sen. Marco Rubio's Miami speech here:
“We will enforce the ban on tourism. We will enforce the
embargo. We will take concrete steps to ensure that investments flow
directly to the people so they can open private businesses and begin
to build their country’s great, great future, a country of great
potential,” Trump said as he challenged the Cuban government to
"come to the table" to work towards an agreement that
is in the best interest of the Cuban, the American, and the
Cuban-American people. And Trump said that best interest included
Cuba's returning to face American justice both cop killer Joanne
Chesimard and what he calls the Cuban military "criminals"
who shot down and killed four members of Brothers to the Rescue.
Also, travel policies will be adjusted to make it harder for
individual 'people-to-people' travel...tough luck Beyonnce and
Jay-Z...but family travel will continue to be authorized as will U.S.
based money transfers that Cuban-Americans send to their families on
the island. And while we will retain formal diplomatic relations with
Cuba via the newly re-opened U.S. Embassy in Havana, the 'wet foot,
dry foot' policy will not be reinstated out of safety concerns for
those trying to make such a dangerous sea voyage.
And while no changes will go into
effect until both the Treasury and Commerce Departments issue new
regulations that conform with Trump's new policy, the Cuban
government's response to Trump's change in policy came swiftly and it
came via a statement in the state-run newspaper Granma, "Again,
the United States Government resorted to coercive methods of the
past... the Cuban Government denounces the new measures to tighten
the blockade, which are destined to fail as has been shown repeatedly
in the past, and which will not achieve its purpose to weaken the
revolution or to defeat the Cuban people, whose resistance to the
aggressions of any type and origin has been proven over almost six
But really...who cares what Raul Castro's propaganda rag has to say.
So now that Obama's bad Cuba deal
has been rightly relegated to the trash heap where it belongs, Trump has one more bad deal of Obama's to get rid of...the
multilateral agreement yet "catastrophically" bad Joint Comprehensive
Plan of Action (JCPOA)...more commonly known as the Iran nuclear
deal...probably the worst deal ever made by a U.S. president.
And this was a deal Obama touted as
a crucial move towards what he called "detente with
Iran" and towards regional
peace, and was a deal that was supposed to restrict the nuclear
ambitions of the rouge nation in exchange for lifting financial and
oil sanctions imposed not just by the United States, but also by the
European Union, and the United Nations.
But the reality remains that this was a deal that did not address Iran's
foreign policy.violations, and was a deal made through
blackmail of sorts what with Obama's 'warning' Congress that blocking
the deal could spark not only start a Middle East war, but that U.S.
credibility worldwide would be seriously damaged if Congress
refused to abide by the deal's terms reached...a deal with a country
that went from having 164 centrifuges in 2003 to 19,000 at the start
of talks in 2013, despite broad and expansive U.N. sanctions.
And it did not matter to Obama that
it was a very bad deal made with a country who has repeatedly in the
past and who continues today to spew its intent to wipe Israel off
the map while it touts as noble both violence against both American
troops and the world's innocent civilians alike...for Iran is indeed
the world's leading sponsor of terrorism and plays a major role role
in regional military conflicts.
A deal I call 'aiding and abetting'
the enemy...a deal of treason and nothing less...for Obama's very bad
deal does little to block Iranian’s path to securing nuclear
weapons as this deal actually gives Iran a 'pathway' to nuclear
weapons capability.
Remember, under this still in effect deal of Obama's, Iran is allowed to enrich uranium using the thousands of centrifuges it already has in operation, is allowed to conduct nuclear research and development, and is in charge of monitoring their own adherence to the nuclear restrictions. And dare we forget that in only ten years...in what is referred to as Iran’s 'breakout time'...their rush to secure a nuclear weapon drops to almost zero for as per the deal they will be allowed to begin building hundreds of advanced new centrifuges annually, while at the same time being allowed to expand its long-range ballistic missile program...the very program that would afford Iran its needed delivery system not to reach Israel but to reach who they call the 'Great Satan'...as in these United States of America.
Remember, under this still in effect deal of Obama's, Iran is allowed to enrich uranium using the thousands of centrifuges it already has in operation, is allowed to conduct nuclear research and development, and is in charge of monitoring their own adherence to the nuclear restrictions. And dare we forget that in only ten years...in what is referred to as Iran’s 'breakout time'...their rush to secure a nuclear weapon drops to almost zero for as per the deal they will be allowed to begin building hundreds of advanced new centrifuges annually, while at the same time being allowed to expand its long-range ballistic missile program...the very program that would afford Iran its needed delivery system not to reach Israel but to reach who they call the 'Great Satan'...as in these United States of America.
So it is no wonder why this Iran deal of Obama's must join the Cuban
deal in the trash heap, and must do so post-haste for it is a deal
that not only assures Iran of eventually securing nuclear weapons,
but it is a deal that also funnels tens of billions of dollars to
terrorists hell-bent on destabilizing the entirety of the Middle East
making full-blown war a possibility...allowing the so-wanted Levant to come to
And yet President Trump...who must review and sign the sanctions
relief waiver every 120 days based upon Iran's complying with their
end of the deal...just one month ago passed up his first chance to
withdraw us from this very bad deal. And while Trump knows that it
would be legally possible for him to nullify said deal, he also knows
that his doing so could possibly isolate us from the
international community. And besides, we already have unilateral
sanctions placed against Iran that go back decades that the nuclear
deal has no bearing on...sanctions recently extended by Congress.
the question remains, is President Trump trying to renegotiate a better
deal with Iran possibly his true
goal? Probably not as it would be much easier for him to totally kill
the existing deal
because said deal still in effect did require demanding
negotiations between many parties, with those parties now highly
unlikely to want to renegotiate again. And while the deal did reign in
Iran's uranium enrichment capabilities to some degree in return for the
previously stated lifting of economic sanctions, it was our European
allies not us who
economically benefited the most from the deal with oil-rich Iran. And
these folks would not want to jeopardize those benefits no matter the
fact that any
Western company that invests in Iran actually becomes complicit with a
terrorist regime.
But how and with what justification could President Trump legally pull
us out of Obama's very bad nuclear deal...and is he just waiting for
the right time to send it to the proverbial trash heap where it
belongs? I truly believe he is.
And why do I believe so...because
said deal is only valid as long as all parties uphold it. And with Iran's
continuing and active role as the leading state sponsor of terrorism has shown them to have
already broken their end of the deal...a deal that forbade their
giving released sanctions monies to terrorist groups.
And that is exactly what Iran has done in their giving money to known terrorist groups in Iraq, Yemen, Syria and Lebanon, including their giving monies to militias fighting the U.S. backed anti-government rebels in Syria...as in Obama's buddies the 'anything-but' Syrians rebels who are tentacles of ISIS and al-Qaeda....and their giving monies to U.S. designated terrorist group Hezbollah.
And that is exactly what Iran has done in their giving money to known terrorist groups in Iraq, Yemen, Syria and Lebanon, including their giving monies to militias fighting the U.S. backed anti-government rebels in Syria...as in Obama's buddies the 'anything-but' Syrians rebels who are tentacles of ISIS and al-Qaeda....and their giving monies to U.S. designated terrorist group Hezbollah.
also let's not forget the U.N. resolution passed immediately upon the
nuclear deal going into effect that called for Iran not to undertake any
activity whatsoever related to ballistic missiles...ballistic missiles
capable of
delivering nuclear weapons...well that too Iran has broken.
whether alone or together both these instances are deal breakers of the
first degree...deal breakers that give President Trump the much needed
ammunition, and just cause to pull us out of a deal that should never
been ratified by Congress in the first place...and he could do so by
using our veto power as a permanent member of
the U.N. Security Council to kill any continued sanctions relief.
So as President Trump continues his review of Obama's very bad
nuclear deal, coupled with the fact that the U.S. remains the primary
influence over the international financial system, makes both
U.S. and international banks more than a bit leery about resuming
full ties with Iran. And with our continued unilateral sanctions
against Iran still in place allows us to continue to question Iran's intent to comply
with the agreement they so desperately wanted. And that basically
assures us that in time President Trump will pull us out of the deal
that should never have been.
And that together with Obama's Cuba deal now being relegated to the trash heap truly
is yet another step forward in helping to 'Make America Great
Copyright © 2017 Diane Sori / The Patriot Factor
Today, Tuesday, June 20th from 7 to 9pm EST on American Political Radio, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig
Andresen and Diane Sori discuss 'One Bad Deal Down...One Very Bad Deal
to Go' and the fact that 'It's Time to Investigate the Investigators.'Hope you can tune in at: https://americanpoliticalradio.com/platinum-plus-player/
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