Showing posts with label -Publius Nemo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label -Publius Nemo. Show all posts
Sunday, March 18, 2018
WH DEADPOOL: A Guide to Which Trump Staffer Is Getting Fired Next
-Publius Nemo,
Betsy DeVos,
David Shulkin,
Dr. Ben Carson,
Gen. H.R. McMaaster,
Gen. John Kelly,
Jeff Sessions,
President Donald Trump,
Ryan Zinke,
Scott Pruitt,
White House
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Julia and Paternalism
The system, principle, or practice of managing or governing individuals, business, nations, etc., in the manner of a father dealing benevolently and often intrusively with his children: The employees objected to the paternalism of the old president.
Paternalism most typically refers to the behavior of a person, organization, or state, which limits some person's liberty or autonomy for their good, or the liberty or autonomy of some group of people for their good. John Stuart Mill opposed state paternalism on the grounds that individuals know their own good better than the state does, that the moral equality of persons demands respect for others' liberty, and that paternalism disrupts the development of an independent character i.e. Julia. In On Liberty he writes:
Julia is a perfect example of how this government has been trending for decades. Julia is; faceless, dependent, controllable, a state functionary. A paternalistic explanation of slavery is one that claims slave holders held slaves because they believed it was in the slaves best interest or an explanation that claims slaves viewed their masters in a manner similar to the way children see their guardians. White slave masters diluted themselves into believing their victims were better off under their whips than otherwise and by so doing justified the sin of servitude. Historian Kenneth Stampp drew the following analogy:
-Publius Nemo,
Barack Obama,
Mitt Romney,
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Omniscient Obama
President Obama dosen't need an opponent to debate. Apparently he knows what Romney would say as well as what Romney would do. Convenient. |
President Obama has suggested in a new campaign video that his opponent, Mitt Romney, would not have gone after bin Laden in Pakistan upon learning of his location. Today in a speech at the White House in front of the Japanese delegation he double downed on the attack against Romney saying that his rival would not have pursued bin Laden in Pakistan given the chance. President Obama has never had a self-esteem issue and one can surmise that his ego is being well fed at 1600 Pennsylvania. Obama can now divine what his opponents would or would not do. Obama has become omniscient. Tell Mitt Romney not to come to the debates because Barack Obama has it covered. We finally have a president who can argue both sides for us since he knows the inner workings of his opponents minds and hearts. Thank God for Barack Obama, or should I say, thank Obama?
Republicans were appalled and have denounced the ad as a naked political attack unworthy of the office of the President. Even some Democrats have called the ad distasteful and divisive. Ariana Huffington, an outspoken supporter of the President, said the ad was "despicable". A serving SEAL Team member went further saying, "Obama wasn't in the field, at risk, carrying a gun. As president, at every turn he should be thanking the guys who put their lives on the line to do this. The President does so in his official speeches because his speechwriters are smart. But the more he tries to take credit for it the more the ground operators are saying, "Come on, man!" It really didn't matter who was the president. At the end of the day, they were going to go."
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Good Day Sir!
Well it is about time says the GOP with a sigh of relief. The cartoons have been wonderful, nay, marvelous but like all bad things, the Newt Gingrich campaign had to end. And Newt, true to himself, chose the lowest point (and that is saying something) in his campaign to consider the end. The bridges are still smoldering and the general election between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama has been going for several weeks. When Newt pulls the plugs there will be an iPhone video camera to capture it since the embedded reporters were yanked weeks ago. What will Newt do with his $4.5 million dollar campaign bill? Probably what you would suppose a DC politician would do... declare bankruptcy and stiff his contractors. Shame on them says this observer. This wouldn't be the first time Gingrich has tried to fool America or himself. I wouldn't trust Gingrich with my sister or my wallet. He's a bonafide CreepusNincampoopus if I ever saw one but here is a look back at some of my favorite Newt moments in cartoons. Can't wait for the reunion. Stay cool Newt. Don't ever change. We should do something this summer.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Obama's Fairness Doctrine: Eerily Familiar
We certainly don't see the White House living the Buffet Rule. This POTUS lives like Louis XVI |
President Obama says the Buffet Rule is rich people paying their FAIR share. What he fails to clarify is his definition of fair. It's a truly hallow statement without follow-up definitions. It's rhetoric in its purist form. Fair sounds good to every American man, woman, and child. Not even our enemies would disagree with Obama on that issue. The Taliban wants fairness in Afghanistan just as much as we do. So what's the difference? The difference enters the picture when we define fair. To the Iranians it is only fair that the Israelis are wiped off the face of the earth. To homosexuals fair means same sex marriages. For some Native Americans it means restoring native lands. For Southerners in 1860 it meant secession. For the French after the WWI it meant crushing German reparations. For Vladimir Ilyich Lenin it meant Communism. And in France today there is an election coming up and a similar Buffet like Rule is being proposed but at 70% vs. Obama's 30%. Is that more fair?
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
The cartoon certainly gets a chuckle but there is nothing funny about the lies and fabrications being loosed by Rick Santorum against the GOP front-runner Mitt Romney. The former Governor has weathered the brutally dishonest attacks from Newt Gingrich and just as the gentleman from Georgia starts loosing steam and toning down his rhetoric a new contender for most asinine and contemptible emerges in Rick Santorum. I won't bother listing the many atrocious fatuous lies and misrepresentations the former Senator has uttered because the cartoon speaks volumes. Sufficeth to say that Santorum has become the number one Obama surrogate in 2012. After the Wisconsin primary today let's hope that Santorum will finally receive the message from the American electorate... GET OUT!
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-Publius Nemo,
2012 nomination race,
Rick Santorum
Thursday, March 29, 2012
The Crux of the Budget
Everyone likes free stuff but it really isn't free. |
Having trouble understanding the federal budget? Don't feel too bad. Most politicians don't get it either. And even if they do get it most of them are more worried about the next election than they are about the truth. What truth? The truth is by 2025 Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security and interest payments will be equal to our tax revenue if things go forward as they are today. Here is a quick overview of the budget and key terms. After this you will know which politicians are blowing smoke up our preverbal skirts and that Republicans and Democrats both need to get real.
The federal budget basically breaks down into two types of spending:
- Mandatory (money that has already been committed) which includes Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security (the three together are often referred to as entitlements) and other items such as unemployment compensation and veterans benefits. Also included in this category is interest on the money we borrow, currently the fastest growing part of the budget.
- Discretionary (money that we have control over, Congress sets the amount we spend on an annual basis) is broken down into two categories – defense and non-defense. Non-defense includes most government programs and departments. The Department of Energy, Education, Agriculture and Transportation are all included. Another item included in that 13% is the money the government spends to help spur innovation though research and development.
-Publius Nemo,
Debt Ceiling,
Debt Rating,
Federal Budget,
Mitt Romney,
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Dems FlipFlop on Russia
In the aftermath of the Presidents alarming open mic gaffe, Democrats claim that Romney is "trapped" in the Cold War for his fair but tougher stance on Russia. But just four years ago Democrats rallied against Russia and condemned then President George W. Bush for his naivety when dealing with Vladimir Putin. So what has changed? Nothing except a Democrat is sitting in the WH making bad decisions and instead of owning up to weak policy or adjusting they are posturing that Russia is just like us and deserves no tough talk. Here are just several ways that Russia is not just like us.
- Russia is ruled by a Quasi-Dictator since 31 December 1999 (President Clinton was in office)
- The US does not poison and disfigure foriegn presidential candidates like Yushchenko that don't tow the US line
- The US does not rig elections or suppress votes.
- The US does not imprison girl punk bands that are hostile to the government and president.
- The US does not imprison citizens without access to trials, courts, attorneys, and due process.
- US Presidents don't embezzle billions of state's dollars for their own personal gain.
- The United States does not invade neighboring countries because of trade or territorial disputes.
- The US does not send troops and arms to Syria to support the brutal dictatorship of Asad.
- The US does not sell nuclear reactors to Iran and.
- The US does not sell arms to dictatorships.
- The US does not block decent resolutions at the UN to spite another country.
- The US does not comment about possible presidential candidates in Russia or elsewhere.
There are literally dozens of examples that demonstrate the differences between us. The US is far from perfect but there are levels of imperfections and side by side the United States is far more advanced in human rights and democracy. We have the benefit of 200 plus years of experience. My point isn't that Russia is an evil empire or anything like that but Mitt Romney isn't making that case either. Like Mitt Romney I would say that Russia is our chief international geopolitical foe. There is more anti-American anti-west sentiment coming out of the Kremlin now than there has been since the fall of the communism. Mitt Romney has no illusions about our current relationship with Russia and his comments certainly don't deserve to be distorted like the Democrats and Russian plutocrats have done. Honesty in international relations is often the best policy and that is not what we are getting out of our current "more flexible" president. I suggest that Russia has come out against Romney, who isn't even the nominee yet, because Obama has been so easy to play. The concessions come without any counter concessions and Putin is enjoying the lop sided relationship and would like nothing to change. Increased Russian power in Eastern Europe and around the world is not the 'hope' and 'change' we voted for. "It's time to say these words. This word: Enough! We've had enough!"
UPDATE: Russia's PRAVDA endorses Obama and says Romney is "foul mouthed". Do you think they might have mixed him up with someone? If their rant wasn't so funny it would be libel. Read here for a good laugh. This is what we call the unEndorsement of a candidate. All radicals gather to Obama it seems. It's like Axlerod wrote this.
UPDATE: Russia's PRAVDA endorses Obama and says Romney is "foul mouthed". Do you think they might have mixed him up with someone? If their rant wasn't so funny it would be libel. Read here for a good laugh. This is what we call the unEndorsement of a candidate. All radicals gather to Obama it seems. It's like Axlerod wrote this.
-Publius Nemo,
Barack Obama,
Foreign affairs,
Mitt Romney,
Monday, March 26, 2012
It is painfully and lamentably obvious that Barack Obama no longer works for the American people. He is literally taking money under false pretense as he neglects national and international business to further his reelection ambitions. Mitt Romney has said and I echo, "It's time to say theses words, this word: Enough! We've had enough!"
President Obama has been cowardly in his leadership and now he has become clandestine. Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev know more about the President's agenda than the American people and electorate. If it were not for the hot mic in the room we would still not know how the President felt about missile defense. Thanks to this candid camera moment we now know Obama will be "flexible" to Russia's demands to dismantle or weaken the missile defense shields of Eastern Europe after the election. What concessions we will get from the Russians is unclear at this point nor is it likely to be shared with the American people or our European allies. President Obama is the quintessential politician and Washington has too many insiders making backdoor insider deals like this one for the sole self-serving purpose or reelection. "It's time to say these words, this word: Enough! We've had enough!"
Here is yet another testament to the lack of decorum and preparation of candidate Rick Santorum. He has come a long way in this campaign primarily because he is the last anti-Romney candidate to implode but he is indeed imploding and it's all on video to be relived over and over. Mr. Family Values cussing in front of his wide eyed daughter and intimidating the press is hardly a presidential thing to do. After all his time in public office Rick Santorum has never refined his image or learned to control his ghastly temper. He is often pouting or whining about something and with a false sense of righteous indignation he blathers ad nauseum about how unfair things are. It's as if he doesn't know how things work. Of course the media is biased but it is just as unfair or more towards Mitt Romney (2 Cadilacs and "I'm not worried about the poor"). One thing is painfully clear: Rick Santorum is the same cheap career politician Pennsylvania regretted electing. To add insult to injury Santorum actually did say the things that the reporter was asking him to clarify and instead of clarifying he lashed out like a rabid dog backed into a corner. It's time to put Santorum down for his own good and the good of the election. Rabid dogs make for poor candidates and worse presidents.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
The Louisiana Primary proves that God wills Santorum... Just like Karen Santorum said.
Americans like to be told by the candidates themselves that they enjoy the support of God and Heaven. Contrary to historical precedence, the one thing we don't like is thinking for ourselves and then seeking God's will through personal prayer. We are not an individualistic rugged people. We like consensus and authority and if a candidate claims patronage of the Almighty and the King of Kings we like them all the more. That's why Michelle Bachman, Herman Cain, Rick Perry, and Rick Santorum have all testified like prophets that their candidacy and ultimate presidency is indeed the will of God. While the others were apparently mistaken in their callings and spiritual manifestations, Rick Santorum's win in Louisiana is an obvious sign that he is the real Chosen One. The fact that Mitt Romney has more than a million more votes, more delegates than all the other candidates combined, and double Rick Santorum's delegates, should not confuse the faithful that God is still willing for Santorum regardless of the pesky electoral college and popular vote. The most telling sign that Mitt Romney is not the Chosen One is the fact that he has not claimed the benefaction of God or any other holly personage with electorate clout. What more evidence do we need than that! Like Santorum and the misunderstood crusaders of the past said... God wills it! And there is nothing the voters can do about that.
-Publius Nemo,
2012 nomination race,
Rick Santorum
Friday, March 23, 2012
BOGUS Santorum's Back Handed Retraction
Chirp Chirp Chirp... |
Yesterday the Republican party was shocked and appalled by Rick Santorum's suggestion that we stick with President Obama if Mitt Romney becomes the nominee. CNN reported, "he (Santorum) continued, suggesting re-electing President Obama might carry less risk than if Romney wins the presidency...
"if we are going to be a little different, we may as well stay with what we have instead of taking a risk in what may be the etch-a-sketch candidate for the future."
After scathing rebukes from his own party Rick Santorum issued a statement today but decided, to the shock of everyone, to double down on the attack by offering a backhanded retraction.
He said a lot of bogus things so let's break down just a few of them:
True Colors
Pettiness has found it's face. If Santorum can't be the nominee he would rather have Obama for POTUS. |
Rick Santorum has shown his true colors today and they are democrat BLUE. It has been generally accepted that former Governor Mitt Romney will more than likely become the GOP nominee for president and that Senator Santorum will have to consider winding down his campaign at some point before the convention in Tampa. The question that all republicans had wasn't necessarily when he would exit but how he would exit. Today the former Senator has revealed his hand and it is narcissistic, spiteful, vindictive, petty, and egomaniacal. CNN reported, "he (Santorum) continued, suggesting re-electing President Obama might carry less risk than if Romney wins the presidency...
Thursday, March 22, 2012
It all looks glamourous and fun until we realize it's our kid's money. When do we say, "Enough!" |
Putting an end to the illusions of his rivals and the speculation of a brokered convention, Mitt Romney won a decisive victory in Illinois yesterdy with more votes than Gingrich and Santorum combined. He is clearly going to be the nominee at this point and that reality was reflected in his victory speech. He only mentioned his rivals once and it was to congratulate them on a hard fought campaign. The rest of the speech was aimed squarely at his chief rival, President Barack Obama. He made his case against the President eloquently and with conviction stating, "it's time to say these words, this word: enough! We've had enough!"
Hot Dogs and March Madness Basketball for Two Leaders... $365k Dollars. Borrowing $146k of that from Red China... Unforgivable! |
This citizen could not agree more. We have had enough. We've had a belly full in fact. The President just doesn't seem to get what is going on out here in the real America. Either he doesn't get it or he doesn't care. He actually seems to flaunt his disregard for the average American plight weekly. While some deranged pundits like to begrudge Ann Romney two American made Cadillacs bought with their own money, the President is spending our money very conspicuously and few seem to care. Here's a taste of what we have had enough of.
-Publius Nemo,
2012 nomination race,
Barack Obama,
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Adjective: Impossible to stop or prevent: "the inexorable march of Romeny".
When you look up inexorable in the dictionary today you find this shot. Steve Senne/AP |
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Santorum's Math Problems Persist
Romney may have been bested in the South but that is really not a surprise to anyone. The big surprise is that Santorum only won 10 more delegates than Mitt Romney in the South. If that is suppose to be a home run for Rick than Mitt's previous wins must all be considered bases loaded grand slams. I have to admit I am surprised that Romney had as much support as he did considering most Southerners voted on religious lines. Three quick points to remember.
1) Mitt still has over a million more votes. (1,188,772)
2) Mitt still has more delegates (489) than all the other candidates combined and more than double Rick Santorum's (234) delegate count.
1) Mitt still has over a million more votes. (1,188,772)
2) Mitt still has more delegates (489) than all the other candidates combined and more than double Rick Santorum's (234) delegate count.
While it was a double win for Rick Santorum in the South, Mitt will likely come out with more delegates tonight after American Samoa and Hawaii report. A few more Santorum nights like this and Romney will have the nomination in the bag.
Rick Santorum's math problems persist after double wins in the South. He can't seem to gain any ground on the front-runner Mitt Romney even when he wins. Poor Rick. |
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
[shil] Slang
a person who poses as a customer in order to decoy others into participating,
as at a gambling house, auction, confidence game, etc.
as at a gambling house, auction, confidence game, etc.
a person who publicizes or praises something or someone for reasons of self-interest,
personal profit, or friendship or loyalty.
personal profit, or friendship or loyalty.
Rick Santorum has called President Obama a "snob" for encouraging Americans to pursue a college education. Although Santorum has a JD and the benefits of a higher education, Santorum is an undereducated fool. Not only does he use the wrong words to describe his many gripes and complaints but he lies. Today Santorum accused Fox News of "shilling" for Mitt Romney. In a rant about the unfair advantages that Governor Romney has over him he said, "He's had a 10-to-1 money advantage. He's had all the organizational advantages. He has Fox News shilling for him everyday, on offense Brian, but I see it. And yet, he can't seal the deal because he just doesn't have the goods to be able to motivate the Republican base to win this election."
I'd like to point out just four of Santorum's ridiculas statements in his short diatribe.
- Lack of funds is not a badge of honor. It highlights your lack of dedicated support. If you can't overcome Romney's fund raising advantage why should we believe you can overcome the Obama fund raising advantage? It makes no sense!
- Complaining about Governor Romney's organizational advantage is a compliment to the front-runner and a slap in his own face. Why wouldn't we want a president that can organize a movement and get things done? Winging it as Santorum often does is for cheap politicians and congressmen. In the big leagues when so much is at stake organization and mobilization is paramount. There are thousands of great ideas but only one in a thousand people have the ability to make those ideas a reality and Rick is obviously not one of those people.
- Fox News is "shilling" for Mitt Romney? Please! Facts are a pain to people of the Santorum persuasion but it is a fact that Fox News has more negative airtime against Mitt Romney than any other candidate. Fact!
- Mitt Romney can't motivate the party to win the election? If you are trailing to this guy who can't motivate by over 1 million votes and hundreds of delegates what does that say about your ability? Does he not listen to what he is saying? What blatant disregard for thought and logic. If he sets the tee up for Obama in the same way he does now you can bet the President is going to knock him out of the park. He's obscene!
Senator Santorum's incessant whining is getting as old as the candidates nonsensical ravings and non sequiturs. He knows that he can't win the election but has let his unchecked ego and pride convince himself that the convention in Tampa will pick the guy in second place over the guy in first place. It's a strategy of a looser and Rick Santorum has just graduated from a poor sport to a outright looser.
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Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Mitt's Big Night
Just a week ago Mitt was down 15 points in Ohio but cruised to a narrow victory over his opponents in the Buckeye State [regardless of the Democrat's Operation Hilarity] to cap off a huge night of wins and delegates.
Super Tuesday was a Super Coup for Mitt Romney. With wins in Alaska, Idaho, Massachusetts, Vermont, Virginia, and Ohio, Mitt Romney has taken another big lead in delegates and the popular vote. With over 1,270,000 more votes than his closest rival some partisan media outlets and candidates look to diminish the fact that Romney is now impossible to catch. Gingrich and Santorum still harbor elusions of grandeur conjured by untempered egos that if they could run against Romney one-on-one they would win but the numbers just aren't convincing. The only number at the end of the day that we will remember is the delegate count and Romney is crushing it.
Fact: Romney has more delegates than all the other candidates combined!
Regardless of some naysaying pundits and candidates, Super Tuesday was a Super Victory for candidate Mitt Romney and no amount of hair splitting will change the fact that they were thoroughly trounced in delegates and popular vote. Time to retire the losers and let the champ take on the President and the democrats. The real game is about to begin and Romney has some new moves the President won't be ready for. In that way the vicious GOP primary has been good but now Gingrich and Santorum need to step aside for the good of the country. Over 1,277,000 republican voters agree on that.
There you go again Rick. For the good of the country it's time for EVERYONE to get behind Mitt to STOP OBAMA. Once again Santorum has forgotten which team he plays for i.e.; robocalls to democrats in Michigan.
-Publius Nemo,
2012 nomination race,
Mitt Romney
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Numberwang America
If there is anything that makes less sense than Numberwang it's the US's inability to be honest about our debt, deficit, and our government spending. Right now the President and congress are borrowing money and running deficits in the trillions. And it isn't a democrat only problem. Both parties are to blame and both need to change. It's an American problem. Right now the government accounts for .25 cents of every dollar that is spent in the USA. Government is outpacing all private industry. Entitlements and welfare is skyrocketing. More than half of America is not paying taxes. This is a recipe for fiscal and economic disaster of epic proportions. But for the most part, people carry on in the comfort of their daily lives and many will thoughtlessly vote to pass the debt on to future American generations. To those future American generations we will leave them moral constipation and economic bondage.
Does it take a leader to borrow more on the country credit card to appease the masses? Does it take a leader to promise more benefits and government freebies? Does it take a leader to pander with more entitlements? Does it take a leader to deprecate the rich and extol false populist misconceptions of capitalism? If we were looking for a middle school president those kinds of juvenile antics might be acceptable but we are literally in a fight for our lives, our country, and our children. There has never been a time in American history where the stakes have been so high. War from an outside threat is easier to defend against political inaction, unwillingness, and stagnation. When war was brought to us in 1941 our people were couragous and sacrificed for the cause of freedom. We need that same sacrifice again to defeat inflation, unemployment, and debt. Now the repercussions of inaction at this critical junction are as grave and ominous as European Fascism and Imperial Japanese aggression. Even as Europe's debt crisis lingers and national inaction to curb spending is painfully streamed to us daily via television, radio, and print, we Americans believe to be above the mathematical evidence that we are headed towards a European like debt crisis of massive proportion. The only difference is all the nations of the world won't be able to help the United States out of bankruptcy nor would they help us if we petitioned. We aren't exactly popular these days. Additionally, we are the keystone holding up the bridge. Once we go, they all go. Everyone is cooking their books but America's guarantee helps keep the game fluid.
-Publius Nemo,
Barack Obama,
Debt Ceiling,
Debt Rating,
Mitt Romney,
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Romney's Core
While some like to say that Romney has no "core" a closer look at Romney's faith shouts "I just am who I am". Family, Faith, America. Romney's core is always exposed.
179 years since the Mormons were driven from Jackson County Missouri; 174 years after the infamous Mormon Extermination Order and subsequent Haun's Mill Massacre; 168 years since the conspiracy of leading Hancock County men to commit the cold blooded murder of the Mormon prophet and his brother while in custody under the governor's guaranteed protection; and 155 years after an errant federal government sent an army to Utah on a fool's errand to respond to false claims and malicious rumors, Mormonism is still one of the only religions that America still believes is ok to deprecate, disparage, and deride. A recent Gallup poll shows that 22% of Americans would hesitate to vote for a candidate soley because of his/her membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And this is the 21st century!
-Publius Nemo,
2012 nomination race,
Mitt Romney,
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