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Showing posts with label Kylie Minogue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kylie Minogue. Show all posts

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Kylie Minogue: GQ Italia Agosto 2014 - COVER

Kylie Minogue on the cover of next month’s GQ Italia - August 2014 edition.

That's all.

The 46 year old recreates the 1950s Coppertone Sunscreen ads. Cute.

I especially love the sub-head down the, er, bottom: "Provaci tu a 46 anni, se ce la fai."

Translation: "You try that at 46 years old, if you can."


It's not the first time Kylie has bared her butt, also for GQ (that time, for the UK edition):

And that Coppertone ad? Yep, you may have seen it recreated before:

Monday, 25 June 2012

Kylie Minogue: about Madonna, on 'Fashion Police'

Kylie Minogue lets fly on TV show 'Fashion Police' on Madonna's recent nip slip. She said: "Was she caught up in the moment? Was it premeditated? Who knows? I think it’s got people more perplexed than excited by it." Watch:

Oh... and here is the nipple reveal:

Did you see Kylie on 'The Soup' and 'Chelsea Lately'? Oh em gee - the clip on 'The Soup' is to die for... it features Joe Manganiello from 'True Blood'. Watch:

'Fashion Police' featuring Kylie repeats tonight at 11pm, on the E! channel, on Foxtel.

Friday, 22 June 2012

Kylie Minogue: 'Chelsea Lately' and 'The Soup'

Oh, Kylie - you cheeky minx.

Watch Kylie Minogue on 'The Soup'... eating corn chips off Joe Manganiello's stomach:

It screens in Australia this Sunday at 7pm on E!

And here is Kylie on the 'Chelsea Lately' show [screening tonight on E! in Australia]: