Showing posts with label Tishrei. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tishrei. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Shalom Jacobs - Maareh Cohen

Composition & Musical production: Yitzy Waldner

Friday, September 27, 2024

Motty Steinmetz Sings Viznitz Yamim Noraim

The very popualr Viznitzer Shtikel of Meloch and Kadosh Atah.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Rosh Hashana Medley from Israel

שנה וברכותיה'! הערשי סגל מארח חברים לשנה החדשה: יואלי דווידוביץ, שוכי גולדשטיין, פנחס ביכלר, בנצי קלצקין, לייזר הופמן ושרולי קלצקין

Thursday, October 06, 2022

Cantor Yaakov Stark - Cantorial Classics - Hoshana

In preparation for Sukkos, Chazzan Yaakov Stark is releasing another powerful composition full of yearning and emotion, based on the well-known and intricate "Hoshana" that was composed by Chazzan Moshe Ganchoff.

"Hoshana" joins the legendary Cantorial Classics series of music videos that were previously filmed in the Beis Medrash Hagadol in Tel Aviv, from which the Chazzan Stark has already released the "Machrozes Shabbos" and "Umipnei Chatoeinu," with more in the works...

As usual, this time, too, it is an elaborate production by the producer and arranger Meir Briskman., Accompanying Stark on the piano is internationally renowned pianist Menachem Bristovsky.

Produced, arranged and conducted by Meir Briskman
Musical Director: Meir Briskman
Coordinator: Nava Sahar

Mordechai Shapiro & Benny Friedman - L'chai Olamim

Producer: Matt Dubb
Vocals: Mordechai Shapiro, Benny Friedman
Songwriter/Composer: Matt Dubb
Vocal Studios: Doni Gross, Ruli Ezrachi

Special thanks to Ari Gross and the Adas Israel Shul of Passaic NJ and its Congregants for making this Music Video possible.

Monday, October 03, 2022

"Unesaneh Tokef" Nissim Saal & Kolot Boys Choir

Unesaneh Tokef & Uberosh Hashana Nissim Saal & Kolot Min Hashamaim Boys Choir

קונצרט בית האופרה תל אביב ז' תשרי תשפ"ג

Sunday, October 02, 2022

Shaarei Slichot - Benny Friedman & Chaim Yisrael

The French organization "Torah-Box" presents a medley in honor of the Yomim Noraim, featuring Chaim Yisrael & Benny Friedman. Singing four different Piyutim from the Slichos Tefilos, recited between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur: Adir V'naor, Es Shaarei Ratzon, Shaarei Shamayim, and Vehaviosim.

Project directed by Raphael Mars who also appears a guest singer. 

How To Change Your Past In 1 Minute

Ever wish you could turn back the clock and undo the past? Here’s a perspective that shows how you can hack time, redeem the past, and uplift your life as you head into the future.

By Rabbi Dov Greenberg.

Dovy Meisels, Lipa, Yossi Shtendig - Zochreini

Song Somposed by Shlomo Carlebach.

Recorded live a while ago,by a Lipa Schmeltzer & Shtendig Chol Hamoed event.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

"Tishrei Nachas" Yiddish Nachas, Yossi Green, D. Meisels

MK Productions is proud to present ‘Tishrei Nachas’ medley performed live at the Atime Shas-A-Thon grand Siyum Hashas in London, UK, where the Moshe Kraus' Yiddish Nachas performed alongside Yossi Green, Dovy Meisels, the Negina Choir & The Mendy Hershkowitz Band.

Ochila - Nusach, Ochilu Lukeil - R’ Hillel Paley, Malachei Rachamim - Pinky Weber, V’al Kulom, Zochreini - R’ Moshe Goldman Z”l, Emes - Yossi Green.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

V'Yeda Kol Pa'al - Chaim Pollak & Meir Adler

Reb Kalman Shtekel Z"L, the legandary Baal Menagen in Viznitz, who passed away a year ago.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

"Rachamana" Bichler, Vizel, & Kletzkin

"Rachamana" featuring Pinchos Bichler, Motty Vizel, & child soloist Bentzi Kletzkin.

Composed by Pinchos Bichler.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Musaf R"H - Dudi Kalish, Motty Vizel, Arele Samet

מוסף ראש השנה

 דודי קאליש, אהרלה סאמט, מוטי ויזל, מקהלת 'מלכות' ותזמורתו של יענקי לנדאו במחרוזת מרגשת לימים הנוראים. תיעוד חי ומרהיב של מחרוזת שכולה הוד, המכילה את עידית המנגינות שמתוך תפילות המוספים של ימי ראש השנה הבעל"ט

על הבמה, במרכז משכן האירועים 'יד אליהו' בתל אביב – בשיאו של המעמד ההיסטורי 'סיום סדר זרעים' של רבבות ילדי תשב"ר שנערך על ידי ארגון 'זיכרון רבינו חיים' – דודי קאליש, אהרל'ה סאמט, מוטי ויזל, מקהלת 'מלכות' המורחבת בניצוחו של פנחס ביכלר והתזמורת רבת הכלים בניצוחו של יענקי לנדאו עם המיתוג החדש והמרענן

 בפלייליסט קטעי נוסח מובחרים מתוך התפילה המרגשת, קטעי ה'עשה' וה'מלוך' הויז'ניצאיים, הניגון 'ותשובה ותפילה' של מונה רוזנבלום שהושר במקור על ידי יעקב שוואקי ו'הבן יקיר לי אפרים' של מנדי וייס בלחנו של פינקי וועבר. 'עיני עמך' של דודי קאליש, ה'וכל מאמינים' העתיק של ר' יענק'ל תלמוד ז"ל שהושר בפי ר' דוד ורדיגר ז"ל שלא נס ליחו בבתי הכנסיות בכל תפוצות ישראל, ולקינוח טעימה מתוך יצירת 'היום תאמצנו' המפורסמת של החזן שמואל מלבסקי ז"ל

Monday, September 12, 2022

Motty Vizel & Yoeli Davidovich Songs of Yamim Nora'im

Yamim Nora'im songs of Reb Mordechai Gottlieb. Featuring Motty Vizel and Yoeli Davidovich with the Malchus Choir. Moshe Mendelson on the keys.

Sunday, September 04, 2022

Child Soloist Motty Shain & B. Stein "ארשת שפתינו"

To the tune of Mikdash Melech (Lecha Dodi), composed by the Bobover Rebbe Rav Shloime ZT"L. Later put to the words of Areshes Sefaseinu of the Yamim Nora'im davening.

Thursday, September 01, 2022

Elul 2022: What You Need To Do

The month of Elul has begun, and rabbis are already planning their sermons for the Yamim Nora'im. There are some who are convinced that it is their duty to viciously chastise their flock from the pulpit. They actually pride themselves in how harsh they can be.

The story of Yehayahu Hanavi tells us just how wrong this approach is. Yehayahu referred to the Jews as a people of "impure lips." He did so in private conversation with Hashem, and only to be truthful before Hashem. Yet he was immediately punished for speaking so about Hashem's children.

How much more so, should one never speak disparagingly of a Jew or a group of Jews in public. If your aim is to teach them right from wrong, then speak in a way that will be heard -- in a gentle and positive way. Always focus on the goodness that Torah and Mitzvos bring.

30 Menachem Av, 5742 · August 19, 1982
Living Torah Program 309

Monday, October 07, 2019

The Most Powerful No-cost Segulah for Parnassah

The most powerful no-cost segulah for parnassah known to man.

Lenny Friedman - Avinu Malkeinu

This cover of the traditional "Avinu Malkeinu" features more than 15 tracks of Lenny’s Trumpet playing.

The Godfather: Yom Kippur

We have more responsibility than we realize on Yom Kippur.

Harry Rothenberg, a partner at The Rothenberg Law Firm LLP ( ) and magna cum laude graduate of Harvard Law School, is best known for his successes in the courtroom on behalf of victims of catastrophic injury. Harry is equally passionate about speaking on Jewish topics. A sought-after lecturer for his crowd-pleasing talks, Harry's signature project is this popular weekly video blog about Jewish holidays and the Torah portion of the week.