The Maharashtra Nature Park makeover was an international competition organized by the MMRDA, with the ambition to inspire an entire generation of Mumbaikars to respect and embrace nature and to move towards greater sustainability through education, awareness and lifestyle choices.
The MNP makeover had several interconnected and interdependent challenges, requiring a multidisciplinary approach to strike the perfect balance between afforestation and complementary infrastructure. The forest like environment is the single most important asset of the park and has been nurtured over 2 decades, its preservation and significant enlargement was integral to the overall strategy.
Furthermore, the brief also proposed a pedestrian and cyclist bridge, linking the new National Financial Centre at BKC on the north bank of the Mithi river, with the most prominent informal settlement in Asia, Dharavi, on the rivers south bank.
Design Team : Nimit Killawala, Nitin Killawala, Parag Mishra.