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Update for the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference from the USGS National Wildlife Health Center - March 2024

Detailed Description

Update for the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference from the USGS National Wildlife Health Center - March 2024


  • NWHC Updates 
    • LeAnn White appointed NWHC Center Director 
    • How NWHC is challenging its own paradigm 
    • NWHC modernization update 
    • Case definitions for wildlife health  
    • WHISPers and National Wildlife Disease Database (NWDD) update 
  • CWD 
    • Plants as vectors for environmental prion transmission 
    • Expanding range of CWD in North America 
  • White-nose syndrome 
    • National white-nose syndrome/P. destructans 2023/2024 surveillance season update 
    • White-nose syndrome vaccine research update 
  • Coral health 
    • Interagency coordination on coral health 
    • Recent coral disease technical support to partners in Caribbean and Pacific 
  • Summary of 2023 avian morbidity/mortality reported to regional Flyway Councils 
  • Modeling the response of an endangered rabbit population to RHDV2 and vaccination 
  • Paranannizziopsis spp. infections in wild snakes and a qPCR assay for detection of the fungus 
  • Recent NWHC Publications 


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