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Yale University Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Guide to the Jonathan Edwards Collection 

The collection consists of writings, correspondence, documents, printed materials, photographs, and artifacts documenting the lives and work of Jonathan Edwards and his family. Jonathan Edwards' papers contain the great majority of his surviving manuscripts. These include over one thousand sermons; private theological and philosophical notebooks, including the nine volume "Miscellanies" and four volume "Notes on the Scripture;" Edwards'interleaved Bible. In addition, there is a box of Jonathan Edwards' correspondence; principal correspondents include Joseph Bellamy and Thomas Foxcroft.
Other Edwards family papers include several of Timothy Edwards's sermon notebooks; correspondence belonging to Jonathan Edwards (1745-1801), Jonathan Walter Edwards, and Hannah Edwards Wetmore (principal correspondents are Calvin Chapin, Moses Tryon, Joseph Bellamy, Lucy Wetmore Whittelsey and Chauncey Whittelsey); printed material (chiefly numerous family Bibles) and a broadside Thanksgiving Proclamation by George Washington dated October 1789; photographs of Edwards family members; and papers relating to the history of the collection.

Yale University Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Digital Images Collection

The collection consists of the great majority of Edwards' surviving manuscripts including over one thousand sermons, private theological and philosophical notebooks, correspondence, printed materials, and artifacts. Currently, only a portion of the Jonathan Edwards Collection is available online.


Jonathan Edwards Center at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.

Inaugural address Prof. Richard Muller at the Jonathan Edwards Center at  Trinity Evangelical Divinity School


Radio interview

Dr. Kenneth Minkema from Yale University and Oshea Davis. An interview on "God's Unspeakable Gift" of February 11, 2011 hosted by Dann @ 

Dr. Kenneth Minkema on WDTK am1400 "Intelligent Talk Radio." An interview of February 13, 2009 on The Paul Edwards Program.

Images [see also Digital Images Collection]


Sarah Edwards

Jonathan & Sarah Edwards

Jonathan Edwards

A Digital Exhibit

Billy Graham & Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God 


Harry S. Stout, Jonathan Edwards Professor at Yale University

Video: (Quicktime 1.9 Mb)

Welcome to the Jonathan Edwards Center

Ronald Story Author of Jonathan Edwards and the Gospel of Love

 A Conversation 


Kenneth Minkema, Executive Editor, Works of Jonathan Edwards

Videos: (Quicktime, 700k each)

1) Why the Jonathan Edwards Center?
What would Jonathan Edwards think about the JEC?
On the challenges of transcription
The completion of the print edition
Advantages of the Works of Jonathan Edwards Online
Two versions of Edwards documents

7) International Edwards Conference Budapest 2007

Caleb Maskell, Assistant Editor, Works of Jonathan Edwards

Video: The Blank Bible, edited by Stephen J. Stein was released in August 2007 to much fanfare and excitement. This remarkable verse-by-verse notebook on the King James Bible is a treasure trove of insight into Edwards' exegesis that has never before been published. The painstaking work of Stephen Stein has at last brought this work to press.

The publication of the Blank Bible also marks the third and final installment of Stephen Stein's immeasurable editorial contribution to the Works of Jonathan Edwards series. Stein has edited Apocalyptic Writings (Vol. 5), Notes on Scripture (vol. 15), and now the Blank Bible (Vol. 24), making him the most frequent contributor to the development of textual resources on Edwards' scriptural exegesis. We are very grateful for his sterling service.

Professor John Smith, Yale University, General Editor, Works of Jonathan Edwards 1964-1992.

"That One Sermon" 

"Perspective on Jonathan Edwards"

Note: viewing these videos requires the free Quicktime player, available here.