There are some too who make
questions of identity and difference come under the
head of quality, others who place it under the head
[p. 429]
of definition. Posidonius1 divides them into two
classes, those concerned with words and those concerned with things. In the first case he thinks that
the question is whether a word has any meaning; if
so, what is its meaning, how many meanings has it,
and how does it come to mean what it means? In
the latter case, we employ conjecture, which he calls
κατ᾽ αἴσθησιν, or inference from perception, quality,
definition which he calls κατ᾽ ἔννοιαν, or rational inference, and relation. Hence also comes the division
into things written and unwritten.
1 Fr. p. 232, Bake.
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