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A boarding-house robbery.

--John Kennedy, the sanctimonious-looking youth arrested on Tuesday on the charge of stealing bed-clothing and glasses from the National Hotel, on Broad street, was arraigned before the Mayor yesterday. Mr. John S. Stubbs, proprietor of the house, testified that the accused came to his house on Monday night and was conducted to . He left the next morning at six o'clock, and after his departure it was ascertained that two blankets, two sheets and two glasses had been taken from the room. He was afterwards discovered in the street, and a receipt for the stolen articles, showing that they had been deposited at an auction-room, was found on his person. The articles were found at the auction-room. George R. Bagby testified that the articles were brought to his store early on Tuesday morning. He could not swear that the prisoner was the man who brought them, but he gave the receipt found on his person, and he had no doubt that he was the party. William H. O' Connor testified that he conducted the prisoner to the room on Monday night. He paid his bill before retiring. Kennedy, on being questioned by the Mayor, said he hailed from Halifax county. He was quite anxious to make a statement in regard to the robbery, but the Mayor advised him not to do it, as the testimony against him was already sufficiently strong. The Mayor committed him in default of $300 security for his appearance before the Hustings Court.

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