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City Council.

--At a called meeting of the Council, held yesterday at four o'clock, Mr. Epps presented a bill from Ragland for whisky destroyed by order of the City Council at the time of the evacuation of the city. The bill and another similar claim were referred to the Committee on Finance.

A communication was received from the Mayor recommending the appointment of two additional officers in the police force, and nominating John D. Perrin, C. H. Moore, J. B. Cousins and W. T. Bibb as suitable persons to fill the vacancy in the office of fifth officer of the police, made vacant by the resignation of Caleb Crone.

Mr. Clopton nominated John Poe, Jr., for the same office.

The Council then proceeded to elect the said officer, and on the sixth ballot Walter T. Bibb was elected.

To fill the other two offices recommended by the Mayor, John Poe, Jr., and R. S, Betts were elected.

The Committee on Claims reported back several bills against the city, contracted in Confederate times, and recommended that they be paid at the rate of one dollar in currency for forty dollars in Confederate money.

The bond of William S. Phillips, Manager of the Poor-house, was received and approved; also the bond of J. P. Tyler, clerk of the Second Market, and the bond of J. J. Crutchfied, weigh master at the Second Market, were received and approved.

On motion of Mr. Epps, the Council adjourned.

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John Poe (2)
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Walter T. Bibb (2)
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Ragland (1)
William S. Phillips (1)
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C. H. Moore (1)
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