Hustings Court of Magistrates, yesterday.
--James R. Shumaker, charged with stealing a horse from W. S. Carr, was sent on for trial before Judge Lyons; John Leathers, charged with stealing a shirt from J. Brittingham, having been once before convicted of petit larceny, was sent on before Judge Lyons to be tried for grand larceny; William D. Boltz, charged with stabbing W. T. Merria, was discharged; Frederick Gerrard, free negro, charged with stealing $103.75 in gold and silver from Susan, slave of William H. Fry, was ordered to be sold into slavery; James H. Sanders was sent on for trial for stealing two brass cannon bushings, the property of the Confederate States; Henry Robinson, free, charged with aiding and abetting in the escape of Emenne, slave of Edward Vickers, was ordered to be sold into slavery; John Ellia, charged with stealing a McClellan saddle from Captain Hayward, was ordered to receive thirty-nine lashes; Susan, slave of John Brock, charged with stealing sundry articles from John Klein, was discharged; and John Logan, free negro, implicated in the burglarious robbery of Alexander R. Holliday, was ordered to be sold into slavery.