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The War News.

There were sundry rumors in circulation yesterday as to the situation of affairs at Petersburg; but being unconfirmed by official intelligence, we place no confidence in them. On Friday, about one o'clock P. M., a brisk cannonade commenced on the left of our lines, which gradually extended around to the centre, and eventually reached the right. Towards two o'clock the firing increased in rapidity, and until three the roar of artillery was uninterrupted. While this cannonade was going on the enemy shelled the city vigorously, throwing upwards of a hundred destructive missiles within the corporate limits. The result was some damage to property, but no personal injury was sustained. A deserter reports that Grant has issued orders to one or more corps to supply themselves with three days cooked rations, and intimates that some new movement is on foot. It is conjectured that he has an eye to cutting the Southside railroad; but it is hoped that our military authorities are prepared for any move of that sort. It is considered reliable that Grant is receiving reinforcements, as within the last few days transports have been seen coming up the river laden with troops. Appearances indicate that there will soon be a revival of active operations in front of Petersburg.

On Friday night the enemy attacked a portion of the picket line and took some prisoners, causing the pickets to fall back. On Saturday morning fifty-nine Yankees were captured; but our original picket line was not re-established on Saturday evening.

Latest from Petersburg.

Passengers by last evening's train reported everything quiet in front. There was no change in the general situation. It is stated that our original picket line has been re-established.

The Northern Border.

The latest accounts we have from the Valley of Virginia are furnished by the Northern papers of the 7th. The Yankees seem to have come to the conclusion that General Early has no idea of retreating, and the prospect is that Sheridan will have some heavy work to perform yet.

From Georgia.

Late advices represent that the enemy is closely massed around Atlanta, and that there is no prospect of an advance soon. In their retreat from Jonesboro', the Yankees destroyed fifteen miles of the Macon and Western railway. Our picket line now extends six miles beyond Jonesboro', with no enemy in sight except scattered parties.

The following dispatch has been received from General Hood:

"Headquarters Army of Tennessee,
"September 9, 1864.

"General Bragg:
General Sherman has ordered the removal of all citizens from Atlanta, to go North or South, as they may elect, and proposes a truce for ten days to provide for the transportation of such as may desire to come South. I have accepted, and am making arrangements.

"J. B. Hood, General."

Prisoners report that thirty thousand of Sherman's troops will be mustered out of service this month, and that the term of many of them expired before the fall of Atlanta, but they were induced to remain until after that event.

Wheeler's report of his operations.

The following official dispatch was received yesterday:

"Headquarters Army of Tennessee,
"September 10, 1864.

"General Bragg:
The following dispatch has just been received from Major-General Wheeler, dated at a point between Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, and Athens, Alabama, 6th instant, via Corinth and Mobile on the 9th instant:

"'We destroyed the railroad and bridges on the Nashville railroad, and then worked down on the Alabama and Tennessee railroad. We destroyed fifty miles of the Tennessee railroad, and also several trains and much property. In every fight, thus far, with the enemy we have been successful, capturing and damaging a large number. Our loss is about one hundred killed and wounded. No prisoners have been captured from us in action.'

"J. B. Hood, General."

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