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Heavy Robbery.

--On Tuesday night the residence of Mr. George Lee, on the corner of Franklin and Sixth streets, was burglariously entered by thieves and robbed of about ten thousand dollars' worth of coffee, sugar, lard, liquor and other groceries. Mr. Lee has since removed his provisions to the second story of his residence in consequence of an attempt which was made to break into the basement and from the procedure of the operators on Tuesday night, strong suspicious are entertained that the thieves have been well acquainted with the movements on his lot. They went prepared with a ladder, buckets and ropes, and a seconded to the window landing to the store room from the outside; here it is supposed the brackets were filled by some one inside and lowered down to the ground, with the rope swung across the first round of the ladder in order to prevent them from striking against the side of the house, and thereby possibly alarming the inmates by the noise which would be made in thumping against it. Marks were visible yesterday morning where the ladder was dragged through the yard to the back alley, where, doubtless, a wagon was in waiting.

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