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The fire in Americus, Georgia.

--From a letter published in the Macon Intelligencer we gather the annexed facts in regard to the late great fire in Americus:

‘ The fire broke out about five o'clock Tuesday evening. Two entire squares, facing six streets on the public front, are destroyed, together with considerable furniture, stores and drugs; consuming, also, a large quantity of cotton, amounting to eight thousand bales. The principal losers are J. V. Price, warehouse, $50,000; J. O. Bird, $40,000; Wheatley, $60,000; W. A. Hawkins, $28,000; Steward, $24,000; John A. Hall, $8,000; Greenwald, $10,000; besides Government property, consisting of tithe cotton--one hundred on more bales — and tithe wheat, with quartermaster stores of other descriptions. Besides this, about one hundred and fifty bales of private cotton, not under cover. The total loss amounted to about $3,300,000. The buildings consisted mostly of business houses, warerooms, storerooms and mechanic shops; among them, however, were large hospital buildings, capable of accommodating two hundred patients, which were being arranged for two hundred more. Whether it was the work of an incendiary, it is not yet ascertained.

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