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The impending battle on the Rapidan — the enemy on the PeninsulaIron Clads and transports in James river — troops landed at Bermuda Hundreds, &c.

From passengers who came down on the Fredericksburg train from Guiney's Station yesterday evening at 6 o'clock we learn that the enemy have crossed the river in force, and are massing their forces in the vicinity of Chancellorsville — some say about five miles this side — while a considerable force of cavalry have advanced as far as Spotsylvania Court House, which is twelve or fourteen miles southwest from Fredericksburg. This force, no doubt, has for its object the tapping of the Central Railroad in the vicinity of Frederick's Hall Depot. It will be seen by reference to a telegraphic dispatch, to be found in another column, that the enemy have left Culpeper Court House. The fullest intelligence of the movements of the enemy in Northern Virginia is given in the letter from our correspondent. It conveys the impression that to-morrow or Sunday the decisive struggle will take place at Mine Run, where Meade once drew up in front of Lee, but retreated without a fight.

From information derived from persons who reached the city by the York River yesterday, we learn that the enemy have advanced a cavalry force to New Kent C. H., within six miles of the York River Railroad, and drove in Col. Shingler's pickets. The force at West Point having completed the repairs to the wharf are busily engaged rebuilding the railroad in this direction.

It is ascertained from a source deemed worthy of credit that the enemy have a force of six thousand men at Williamsburg, and that the negro troops from Gloucester Point have all been sent to Burnside.

A deserter, who reached the city yesterday evening from the Yankee army on the Peninsula, states that it is generally under stood among the troops that Richmond is to be attacked by a combined movement of several different columns and a fleet of gunboats and turreted monitors.

Official information was received yesterday afternoon of the advance up James river of thirty four gunboats, monitors and trans ports. At last accounts they had reached Bermuda Hundreds, on the south side of James river, just above the mouth of the Appomattox, and were landing at that point in considerable force. Bermuda Hundreds is in Chesterfield county, and is 55 miles from Richmond by water and about 40 miles by land.

Additional intelligence from an official source has reached us that they are also landing at Berkeley, on the north side of lames river, in Charles City county. It was apprehended last night that the Bermuda troops might make a raid on the Richmond and Petersburg Railroad.

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