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Tragic mistake.

--A few days ago, as the 17th North Carolina troops was passing Rocky Mount, a soldier of that regiment, Hogans, of Edgecombe co., was traveling home on foot, musket in hand, by moonlight. As he journeyed he was startled by the sight of a dark object, like a bear, drinking at a branch which crossed the road. Cocking his gun, at a distance of about seventy yards, he carefully watched the movements of the animal, which, after stooping over the water for a few moments, partly rose and started forward. The soldier fired with deadly aim. The animal fell and struggled convulsively on the ground. Afraid to approach lest its powers of doing mischief should not be exhausted, the soldier to the house of a Mr Brooke, and begged him to arm himself with an axe, and aid in securing the booty — With cautious steps, and weapons ready for instant use, they approached the supposed bear, when, instead of that beast, there appeared to their horrified eyes the body of a soldier, weltering in his blood, quite dead! The right hand of the corpse tightly clasped a tooth brush, which no doubt he was using when the fatal ball took effect. The hall entered near the backbone, and passed diagonally through the body, coming out in front — The victim had staggered forward across the branch and was lying on his face. Papers in his pocket showed that he was a member of the 66th regiment, named Ballard. of Wayne county, and that he was on his way to Wilson, on furlough, to collect $180 there due him. An examination of the case was had before two magistrates, who discharged the involuntary manslayer without ball. He evinced deep distress the consequences of his unfortunate mistake.

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