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Mayor's Court.

--Three hours were consumed yesterday morning in hearing the following cases:

John and Mary Green, while, were charged with receiving stolen iron, the property of the Confederate States. A large number of witnesses were examined, whose evidence was sufficiently strong to determine His Honor to send the parties on to the Hustings Court for further investigation.

Thos Hatcher was sent on the Hustings Court on the charge of stealing a lot of steel from the carbine factory of the Confederate States. A witness testified that Hatcher had acknowledged taking the steel, but that he had been driven to it from necessity.

Wm. Kenny, Pleasant Jones, and Charles Jones were charged with stealing four hundred and thirty pounds of bacon from a freight car at the Central Depot on Saturday night. The car was broken into while in motion and the bacon thrown out. After a tedious examination, during which a house full of sable witnesses were permitted to expatiate for an hour from the witness' stand, the prisoners were bailed to appear for further examination before the Hustings Court.

Mary Riley, James Ormsby, and Rosanna Ormsby, were dismissed on the charge of assaulting and beating Patrick Sweeney. A counter charge was preferred against Patrick Sweeney of beating James, Ormsby, which was continued till this morning. This was one of those interesting (!) cases known as an Irish row, and during the examination of witnesses the police were kept busy in silencing the involuntary outburst of laughter which their peculiar testimony elicited.

Solomon Jackson, a free negro, charged with assaulting, with intent to kill, Patrick Tierney, was discharged, the complainant falling to appear.

Bena Bendix was fined $20 for beating Kate, a child of Elizabeth Munson.

David Hughes, whose son had been indulging in the luxury of a rock battle in the street, was made to pay a fine of $5.

A fine of $5 was imposed upon James H. Mason for permitting his wagon to drive across the sidewalk on Ross street.

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