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Loss of the Confederate steamer Jund.

--An arrival at a Southern harbor informs us that the steamer Jano, under command of Capt. Philip Porcher, C. R. N., which ran the blockade from Charleston some five weeks ago, was lost in a heavy gale on the second day out, she having broke in two parts amidships, and, being of iron, the how sunk almost immediately, and carried with it a part of the crew who had not time to escape from below. The upper deck, being of wood, was the only section of the vessel that floated, and to a few fragments of this the pilot, Wm, Burke, of Charleston, and Mr. Dent, one of the engineers, belonging to Alabama, was discovered clinging, just before dark on the evening following the accident, by the schooner Petrel, Capt. Habernicht, which ran the blockade from the same port. It was still blowing so heavily as to prevent him lowering the boat, and he had to heave his vessel to and let her dealt down on them. So far these two persons are all that have been heard of, and they had been kept up by small pieces of wood barely large enough to support them. The Juno had on board about 220 bales of cotton on Government account. Her chief officers were Capt. Philip Porcher, Confederate Navy; 1st Lieut. Thos Benthall, Confederate Navy a native of Baltimore; and Lieut. W. H. Odenhelmar, Confederate Navy.

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