Decline in prices in Petersburg.
--Two sales took place in Petersburg, on Friday, at which the following prices ruled, as reported in the city papers.Common tobacco, from 60 to 80 cts per pound; Medium do, 80 to $1.50; do., good to prime $2 to $4 per lb; Table salt, 42 cts per lb. Qne, $75 per oz. Naile, $175 per keg; Brown sugar, excellent quality, $8 per lb; Loaf do., do., $14.75 per lb; Coffee $11.25 per lb guse brandy, $80 per gallon; Peanut Oil $16 per gallon; Apple Brandy, $61 per gallon Striped domestic, from $6.60 to $7.10 per yard; 4.4 bleached cotton, $3.75 per yard; 4.4 unbleached, $4.40 per yard; Brown sugar, $1.50 to $3 per pound; Package pins, $18.50, Black thread $15.50, Sorghum molasses, $32.25 per gallon.
The rapid decline in the sugar market is attributed to the fact that the price had been run up beyond the means of the community in general to purchase.