Financial and Commercial.
There is a steady decline in specie, attributable no doubt, to a want of demand for the article for blockade running purposes. The brokers are paying $20 for gold, and selling it at $22. The buying rates of silver may be quoted at $19 and selling at $21.Bank Notes--There is no difference in the prices paid and asked for the Bank Notes of the different Southern States. They are bought at $3.00 and sold at $3.50.
Stocks and Bonds.--A heavy sale of stocks and bonds took place yesterday at the office of Messrs. Davenport & Co., Stock Auctioneers. We have been furnished with the following quotations: Confederate 8 per cent. coupons, 68, 103 ½ to 104 ½ do., 78, 113 ½ to 114 ½; do., 77 to 81, 112; 15 m. coupon bonds, 131 ½ to 139; 8 per cent. registered, 100 m. loan, 68 103 ½ 8 per cent convertibles, 104 to 107; cotton loan bonds, 188 ½ to 190, 7 per cent coupons, 100 to 101; 7 per cent. registered, 98; 6 per cent. coupons, 97; 7.30 interest notes, 104 ½ to 105
State Stocks and Bank Notes.--Va., 6 per cts. reg'd, 200 to 205; N. C., coupons, 120; 8 per cent coupons, 250; Va., Treasury Notes from 118 to 132, Va. Bank Notes, 295 to 300.
Bank Shares.--Bank of Richmond, 115 to 117 ½; Bank of Commonwealth, 130.
Gold.--20 ½ to 21 ½
Sterling Bills--20 to 20 ½.
Railroad and Other Stocks.--Va. Central R R shares, 110, do, coupons, 120; Va., and Tenn., R R coupons, 115; York River R R coupons, 110; Central R. R. 6 per cent coupons, 172 ½; Orange and Alex. R. R coupons, 179; Merchants' Insurance Co., shares, 38 ½ to 59; Old Dominion Ins. Co., 59;
Breadstuffs.--The supply of Breadstuffs in the city is more abundant than at any previous time within the past six months, but prices are still ruling high. We quote flour at $259 to $275 per barrel, according to grade.--Corn meal bolted, $45 per bushel by the quantity; unbolsed $40.
Country Produce.--At the commission houses we have been furnished with the following quotations:--Bacon — hog round, $7 to $7.50 per pound; Beef $3.50 to $4.50 by the quarter; Pork $5 to $5.50; Turkeys $4.50 to $6; Chickens $6 per pound; Butter $9.50 to $10; Lard $7.75 to $8; Eggs $5 to $5.50.
At the auction sale of Tardy & Williams, on Thursday, the following prices were obtained: Sugar, $7 per pound; Molasses, (N O) $41.50 per gallon; Butter. $9, Tallow, $6.30, Tallow Candles, $5 to 5.50; Brown Soap $8.75; Pepper, $7.75; Rice 90 to 95 cents; Dried Apples. $2.10 per pound; Shot, $2.50, Raw Cotton, $2.30 to $2.50.
Liquors--At the same sale, one barrel of Hanger Whiskey sold for $86 per gallon; other Whiskeys, from $58 to $60; Apple Brandy, from $69 to $65.
Tobacco.--The trade in Tobacco is not brash, but fine brands have slightly advanced.