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Examination postponed.

--Yesterday was the day fixed for the examination, before C. S. Commissioner. Wm. F. Watson, of R. E. Foster, formerly an employee in the note cutting department of the Treasury office, charged with abstracting from the Confederate Government $11,000, and Charles and Francis Dominic, two Frenchmen, who are implicated in the transaction with Foster.--At the hour of 11 o'clock, the time fixed for the examination, the prisoners were brought into the Commissioner's office, in the custody of Deputy Marshals F. W. Bass and Henry Myers. District Attorney P. H. Aylett appeared for the Government, and Judge John S. Caskie acted as counsel for the two Dominics in the place of A Judson Crane, Esq., who was sick; while Alex. H. Sands, Esq. was employed as counsel for Foster. Soon after the arrival of the parties, the District Attorney moved for a postponement of the trial, on the ground of the absence of an important witness. Mr. James McClelland. an officer of the Government. In the event of an adjournment of the case, in consequence of the non attendance of this witness, an argument of some length was indulged in by the prisoners' counsel in advocacy of bail for them till an examination was had, while the prosecuting attorney stoutly denied the legal authority to do so at this stage of the proceeding. At the conclusion of the remarks of these gentlemen, the Commissioner expressed his unwillingness to grant the motion for sail, on the ground that, in the absence of the testimony which might be elicited from this absent witness, it was impossible for him to determine to what extent crime had been committed, and that therefore he could not know what amount of bail was required till the extent of the offence was known — Besides, he had grave doubts of the legal jurisdiction of a Commissioner's examination over the matter at all, about which he desired to consult authority before proceeding any further in the matter. If, upon investigation, (which should immediately be made,) his doubts were confirmed, it would give him the greatest pleasure to release the accused from confinement, so far as he was concerned, and turn them over to the State authorities. The examination was then adjourned till next Thursday; if, in the meantime, the Commissioner finds himself competent to proceed further. The parties were then remanded to prison.

Foster is a man of about thirty years of age, and we learn has but recently married. Some time last summer $10,000 were missed from the department in which he was employed, and while there was no positive evidence to justify an arrest, yet suspicion pointed towards him and another employee as the perpetrators of the robbery, both of whom we learn were either dismissed or resigned their situations at the time. Recently he has been detected on the theft of $1,000, and upon being arrested made a full confession of taking the $10,000 last summer, in addition to the $1,000 which has recently been stolen. Foster implicates the Dominies as the parties with whom he stored the money at the time it was taken.

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