Attempt to Break jail
--Yesterday morning, between 10 and 11 o'clock, John P. Gunnell, Wm. Gunnell, (brothers,) Wm. Frick, and Jas. Spicer, attempted to make their escape from the the city jail. By means of climbing up from the northeast prison yard to the second story window, they succeeded in squeezing through between a hole which was caused by the breaking off of one of the bars, and, crossing the passage, had gained the opposite room on the second floor, occupied by Mr. Frederick Hall, the jailor, before they were discovered. As soon is the alarm was given, Mr. Hall, single handed, seized on to two of them, and after a desperate struggle held his ground until assistance came to his relief. The other two immediately ran down the steps into the front yard, and one commenced unfastening the large iron gate which confines the prisoners in the yard fronting on Marshal street, while the other went round to the south western side of the building and commence unbarring that door, in order to liberate all the prisoners who were not in close confinement; but, before accomplishing their object, Mr. Slaughter, the keeper of the outer gate, pursued and fired upon them, which caused them to desist till the alarm was given to the guard around the Jail, when they were a put in close confinement, and will be fed upon bread and water till the time for their trial arrives. Mr. Hall, being a humans man, did not use his weapons upon the two ruffians with whom he was engaged, although he had ample means of doing so. With the butt end of his pistol he struck one of the Gunnells over the head, however, and inflicted quite a stunning blow. The design of these outlaws was, doubtless, to set all the prisoners free confined therein at the time.