City Council.
--A called meeting of the Council was held at the Council Chamber yesterday evening for the purpose of receiving and considering the report of the Finance Committee.The Finance Committee, through Mr. Brr, the chairman, made a report recommending that the petitions of Wm. F. Butler & Son, Goddin & Apperson, and C. R. Hodges & Co., all praying for a partial remission of a tax for 1863, be rejected. They asked to be discharged from the further consideration of the petition of P. W. Ralston. The report was agreed to.
The resolution authorizing the Chamberlain to sell the bonds of the Confederate States and Southside Railroad bonds held by the city, whenever, in the opinion of the Finance Committee, the demands of the Treasury require it, was agreed to.
Also, a resolution for the Finance Committee to report to the Council what course should be pursued in relation to the debt of the city as it falls due, and the payment of interest thereon.
On motion of Mr. Clopton, it was.
Resolved, That the additional sum of $50,000 be appropriated to purchase clothing for the volunteers from the city of Richmond.
A resolution requiring the Auditor to make a statement of the receipts and disbursements of the treasury for the eleven months previous to the 1st February next, and classify the same, was also adopted.
A petition, signed by numerous physicians and apothecaries, asking the Council to apply to the Confederate authorities to relieve at least two attendants in each store from military service, for the purpose of dispensing medicines, was presented.
On motion of Mr. Walker the petition was referred to a select committee, as follows: Messrs. Walker, Scott, and Clopton.