Blockade prices at Wilmington.
--The following are the prices obtained in Wilmington et a entalogue sale of imported goods December 17th:French wove corsets $25 each; madder handkerchiefs $24.50 to 32.50 per doz; linseys $6.50 to 7; Orleans lustre 36 to 6 Coburn $8.62 to 8.70; prints, assorted colors, $4.37½ to 4.95; alpaca $7.50 to 9.50; delaines $7 to 7.50; Welsh flannel $7.50 to 8; fancy flannel $10; scarlet saxony $10; fancy shirting $5; bleached shirting $4 to $4.5; woolen cloth 21 to 29; blue broad cloth $65; black do., $85; rolled cambric $2 to 2.10 mohair $6½ to 12.50; jaconet $4.75; fancy tweeds $7 per yard; linen cambric handkerchiefs $35 per dozen; shawls $73 each; fancy flannel shirts $230 per dozen; brown cotton draw re $130 per dozen; do do shirts $135; merino drawers $70 per dozen; pins $10.25 per package; whole and colored hose $36; merino hair hose $41 per dozen; shoe thread $9.25 to $9.87 ½ flax thread $12.12½ per pound; window-glass $96 per box; cotton cards $42 per pair; bonnet frames $15 per dozen; envelopes $40 to $60 per 1,000; note paper $50; letter do. $40 to $67.50; cap do. $57 per ream; printing paper $3.37½ per pound; ste pens $5.62½ to $10.25; pen holders $15.50 per gross; playing cards $38 per dozen packs; blue mass $7; camphor $19 to $23; calomel $10.75 to $12.75; balm copaiba $5 to $5.50; chloroform $7.25 to $7.50; carb. ammonia $4.30; Epsom salts $1.62½ to $1.85; calcined magnesia $3; prepared chalk $1.05; cream tartar $4.10; rolled sulphur $1.95; chloride potash $5.75 per pound; morphine $50 per ounce; extract to wood $2.25 per pound tanning acid $3.25 to $4.25 per oz; copperas $1.55; alum $1.85 to $1.60; black pepper $6.55 to $6.75 per pound; sperm candies $10; Jamaica coffee, $7.62½; Coggon tea $9.62 ½ to $11; sugar $2.85 for brown, $4.12½ to $4.49 for crushed, $5.26 to $6.40 for loaf; brown soap $2; brown Windsor soap $15.25 to $15.75 per dozen; castile soap, $2.75 per pound; codfish $1.40 to 1.65 per pound; salmon $410 to 415; mackerel $200 per barrel; sardines $4.12½ to 5.87½ per box; pickles $125 per dozen jars; knives and forks $19 to 24 per set; scissors $25 per dozen; French calfskins $910 to 970; sheepskins $530 per dozen; ladies' gaiters $36 to 47; ladies' grain boots $28.50; ladies kid boots $50; girls' and misses' cashmere boots $24; French calf bluchers $44; russet brogans $27; russet cavalry boots $65; short Wellington boots $50 per pair; alcohol $70 to 72; brandy $92.50 to 107.50; Holland gin $45 to 53; whiskey 58.50 to 62; rum $39.50 per gallon; Bourbon whiskey $205 to 225 per dozen; olive oil $33 per gallon.