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A brief history of the Troubles about Gen. Bragg.

--The Chattanooga correspondent of the Mobile Tribune gives the following summary of the result of President Davis's visit to Bragg's army:

A great deal of gossip and military scan may has been written about the President's visit here in reference to the settlement of certain difficulties which are supposed to exist among the corps and division officers of Gen. Bragg's army. As the affair has been distorted to suit the fancy and prejudice of writers, I will now give you a plain statement of the facts: It seems that a number of the Generals in the army of Tennessee petitioned for the removal of Gen. Bragg from the command of the army, (Gen. Breckinridge and some others excepted,) while the President was on his late visit. President Davis requested a personal interview with these gentlemen, and asked them to state their reasons why they demanded that Gen. Bragg should be relieved from his command. The reasons given did not appear to satisfy the President that he ought to take any action in the case. Gen. Bragg, on being informed of the nature of the petition, insisted on, and urgently requested the President to relieve him, but President Davis persistently refused on the ground that it would be hazardous to the general good of the service and welfare of the country.

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