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The Hustings Court of Magistrates disposed of the following cases on Saturday last:

Andrew Muller, Jesse White, and Charles W. Ellis, indicted for misdemeanor. A nolle prosequi entered in each case.

James McGhee, indicted for assault and battery. Continued to next term.

Wm. A. Lambert, indicted for a misdemeanor. A nolle prosequi entered.

Don Juan Williamson, charged with perjury on the 2d of October, in the case of Landon W. Shell. Examined and remanded to be tried for felony before Judge Lyons.

Robert W. Davis, charged with grand larceny. Discharged by order of the Court.

Frederick Gausler, indicted for larceny. Continued to next term.

Caroline Overton, a free negro, presented for remaining in the Commonwealth contrary to law. Nolle prosequi entered.

The Court then adjourned till next term.

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February, 10 AD (1)
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