From Northern Virginia.
--The real news from the army of Gen. Lee does not confirm the almost innumerable reports which were in circulation on Saturday.A pretty severe engagement was fought at Bristow Station, on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, on Wednesday afternoon between two brigades of Gen. Hill's corps — Cook's and Kirkland's and a heavy force of the enemy. The enemy were posted in a railroad cut, and in advancing upon them our men were exposed to a galling fire. Our loss was quite severe — estimated by some to be not less than one thousand in killed, wounded, and missing. In addition to this we suffered a loss of seven pieces of artillery. Gens. Cook, Posey and Kirkland are reported wounded. Many of our wounded fell into the hands of the enemy; but that night they fell back, and our badly wounded were recovered, besides a number of the enemy's seriously wounded.
The next morning a portion of Gen. Ewell's corps had a fight with the enemy, in which we captured about five hundred prisoners.
An officer, who was wounded in the fight of Wednesday, and who came down on the Central train last night, informs us that there were about 1,000 Yankee prisoners at Rapidan Station yesterday morning.