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Three hundred Dollars Reward

will be paid for the apprehension and return to me (or placed in jail so that I may get them,) of my three negroes, Alfred and Penny his wife, and Stephen. The two first left my house, at Wolf Trap Depot, Halifax county, Va, on the night of the 14th June, taking with them all their clothing, &c. Alfred is about 42 years of age five feet 6 or 8 inches high, black, thick lips gray haired, and bow legged; has not an intelligent look.--Penny is about 28 or 40 years of age, small size, dark color, looks young for her age, good teeth, pleasant, intelligent countenance. They are supposed to be trying to make their way to North Carolina. Stephen left my house on the 24 day of June, is about five feet two inches high, dark copper color, very short legs, and long bodied for his height; moves well, and is about 19 or 20 years of age. When last heard from was about eight miles beyond Boydton, Mecksburg county. Va., and will probably try and make his way to Southernton county. The above reward, will be paid for the recovery of the three negroes of $100 each.

T Ed Hamsleton, Jr, Box 979 Richmond P O; or, Wolf Trap P O. Halifax co, Va. ja 27--6t*

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