Edward William Johnston.
In the list of names of persons expelled by the Yankee Despotism from St. Louis, is that of Edward William Johnston. It appears that though ordered away, he was allowed a few days' time to prepare. Mr. Johnston is a brother of General Joseph E. Johnston, and is well known in Virginia and the South. He was the popular party letter writer under the name of "It Segrelario," and has been connected with the press here and in other Southern cities. He is a gentleman of extensive literary acquirements, and one of the most pungent writers for the press of his day. He is now an old man, and has for some years resided in St. Louis, where he was Librarian of the large Commercial or Mercantile Library of that city. The Federal officials have been assiduous in their attentions to him. They have frequently presented the oath to him; but he spurned it as an intolerably bitter draft of medicine, with execration. Finally being ordered to swallow it or depart from St. Louis, he chose the latter alternative, and we suppose he will return to Virginia, his native State.