One hundred dollars reward
--For Charley, the property of R B Somerville, and John, the property of C H Barksdale, who left their homes, in this city, Wednesday, the 18th last, when Gen Hood's division passed through, and have not returned, and may still be with the army, or may have gone on to attempt an escape by the Rappahannock. Fifty dollars each will be paid for their apprehension and delivery to their masters, in this city, if taken any distance from Richmond, and $25 each it taken about the city.Charley is about 17 or 18 years old, is a good looking house-servant not robust, rather spare, good teeth brown color. He took with him a frock coat, that fit him full, and a pair of fine black cassimere . He had also parts and round about of brown domestic and a military cap.
John is about 18 years old, very black, stout, well grown, 5 feet nine inches high, and had on when he left a military roundabout jacket, with brass buttons, gray pants Yankee military overcoat heavy attached brogans and military cap.
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