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Ran away--$100 reward.

--Ran away from the Danville and Greensboro' Railroad, about the 7th of this month (Much,) two negroes, named Emanuel and Dennis Emanuel is about thirty five years of age, five feet ten inches in height, of a dark gingerbread color. Dennis is about fifteen years of age, of a rather brighter color than Emanuel, with quite a pleasing countenance when spoken to it is thought they are aiming to get back to Caroline county, but may try to pass themselves off as free and attach themselves to the army, or remain lurking in the neighborhood of Richmond. The above reward will be given for their delivery to either of the under signed, near Rappahannock Academy, or secured so that we get them again.

Dr. Thos W Gouldin,
Jas F Gouldin. mh 25--eod6t*

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