Tuesday, March 17, 1863.
Specie and Bank Notes.--The brokers are now giving five for one for gold, and selling at $4.25 premium. Silver is selling at $4@4.40.--Bank notes of this State, North and South Carolina, and Georgia, are quotable at 90 per cent. premium — selling rate. We hear of no transactions in exchange.
Bonds and Stocks.--We quote Confederate Bonds (100 M.) at par and int., for short dates, and 100½ and int. for long dates; do., (15 M.,) 115 and int.; Virginia State stock; 108, North Carolina 6's, 165--a further advance; do. do., 8's, 118 and int.; Orange and Alexandria R. R. bonds, 6's and 8's, 102 and int.; Farmers' Bank stock, 111; Exchange Bank, 108; Bank of Virginia, 78; Richmond Fire Association 35. Other stocks at about last week's quotations.
Produce and Groceries.--Since our last report we have to note an advance in many articles. Flour continues to go up, notwithstanding there is a vast amount in the interior, detained there in the first instance by a lack of transportation facilities, and, second, by the liability to impressment on its way to market. The following quotations are obtained from wholesale merchants and millers Wheat — Prime red and white $4@4.10 per bushel. Flour — Superfine $28@29, Extra $33, Family $37@38 per bbl. Corn — Sales at $4.75 per bushel, with an advancing tendency. Corn Meal $4.50. Bacon — hoground $25 per lb. Bezus, per bushel, $10@12 Butter, per lb., $2.75@3. Lard, per lb., $1.25. Dried Fruit--Apples $10, Peaches $15 @18. Onions, per bbl, $60. Peas, blackeye, per bush, $10. Irish Potatoes $8@10. Tallow, per lb., $1. Tallow Candles, good quality $1.75@2. Country Soap 75@80 cts. Apples $40@50 per bbl. Seeds — Clover $25, Timothy $1@3 per bushel. Hay — none in market; would command a high price.
The Tobacco Market continues very animated, with sales at the full quotations last given.--The breaks have been somewhat heavier for two days past. Receipts light.
Groceries are generally higher. Coffee $3.75 per lb. Brown Sugar, in hhds and bbls, $1.05@1.15. Molasses $0 per gal. Rice 23@25 cts. per lb. Salt 30@31 cts. per lb., according to recent sales.