Exported crossing of the Rappahannock by the enemy.
There was a report in circulation yesterday to the effect that the enemy, in considerable force of cavalry and artillery, have crossed the Upper Rappahannock at Kelley's Ford, in Culpeper county. The presumption is that they contemplate an advance upon Cordonsville. Kelley's Ford is some dutiness from Fredericksburg and much farther from Richmond than the latter point, so that this movement cannot be regarded as an advance of the grand army. It may be, however, that Hooker has concluded to try another route for his "on to Richmond" move, and to avoid the Confederate batteries at Fredericksburg, has moved his forces to the Upper Rappahannock in the hope of fewer obstacles in the passage of that stream. Passengers by the Central train last evening state that the same report was current at Cordonsville yesterday.Another rumor reached the city last night that Gen. Stuart had encountered the enemy in Fauquier county on Monday, and that their force being superior he was compelled to fall back before them. These reports lack confirmation.