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Atrocities of Lincoln's Officials

--The Christian Observer publishes the appended extract of a letter from a clergyman in the country, dated February 21st, 1863:

"I returned yesterday from Stafford, where I had been called to attend a funeral. I was within a mile or two of the Yankee lines. It is the impression that a portion of their army is leaving this region. Their destination is not known, I have buried in this region three females of the highest social position, whose deaths have been caused by Yankee atrocities. They were all in that situation which usually excites our tenderest sympathies. The last one that I busied was the with of a physician, whose husband was arrested while attending a very sick patient, and kept from his family fourteen days. When he was absent, some of the Yankees, with satanic malignity, came to his wife and told her that they had shot her husband. The shock which this false intelligence produced was more than her delicate frame could bear, and she under it. I could tell you much more, but in order to get this off I must close."

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