Confederate States Congress.
House of Representatives.--The House met at 11 o'clock, and was opened with prayer by Rev. Bishop Earley.
The Chair laid before the House a communication from the President, transmitting a communication from the Secretary of War in further response to House resolution to reference to claims for vessels seized for public use. Referred to Committee on Naval Affairs.
The Chair laid before the House Senate bill entitled an act to authorize the discharge of certain civil officers from the military service of the Confederate States. Referred to Committee on Military Affairs.
The Chair also submitted Senate bill entitled an act to provide for the payment of certain North Carolina troops from the time of their enlistment.--Referred to Committee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Foster of Ala, moved that when the House adjourns to-day it adjourn to meet at 11 o'clock on Monday. Agrees to.
Mr. Harris, of Mo., moved to suspend the rules with a view to have the following resolution acted upon:
Resolved, That the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed to inquire into the expediency of providing by law for the payment, and ascertain the military status and other relief of officers and men, who have been irregularly organized and sworn into the military service of the Confederate States, and have performed actual service in the field.
On the motion to suspend the rules the ayes and noes were called, and resulted — ayes 47, noes 7. So
the rules were suspended and the resolution agreed to.
Mr. Garland, of Ark, moved a further suspension, to allow him to introduces a bill to authorize the President to appoint a Commissioner to examine and audit certain claims in the State of Arkansas, and fixing the rank, pay, and quarters of such Commissioner. Referred to the Military Committee.
The rules here then further suspended, on motion of Mr. Barksdale, and a number of memorials submitted and referred.
Mr. Currin, of Tenn, introduced a bill for reference, for the relief of Lieut. Thos T. Kirtland.
On motion of Mr. Royston, of Ark, the House went into secret session.