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Pay Cadet appointments.

Virginia Military Institute, July, 1862.
Below we append a list of the pay Cadet appointments of the Virginia Military Institute:

--Jones, Bedford county, Va; Silas Jones, 31st Virginia regiment; Sam M Wilson, Virginia; Bathurst L Smith, Richmond, Va; Wesley P Gregg, Petersburg; Wingfield Griffin, Salem, Roanoke county, Va; N Turrian Walton, Richmond, Va; James W Johnson, Petersburg; George K Macon, Hanover; John A McNeal, Monterey; Wm Gordon, Nelson county, Va; John T. Riddick, Nansemond county Va; M J Ezekiel, Richmond, Va; Robt E Nelson, Fluvanna county, Va; E Harvie Smith, Richmond, Va; Wm Hodgson, Fluvanna county;--Spiller, Wythe county, Va; George Logan, Goochland county, Va; John Logan, do; Hugh W Fry, Richmond; James Goods, company K, 11th Georgia regiment; Wm Pendleton, 3d Louisiana battalion; A C Wood, Albemarle country, Va; Wm G Bennett, Lewis county, Va; John J Coleman, Louisa co, Va; Clarence Coleman, do; Alfred Marshall, Richmond; F C Watkins, Halifax co, Va; Macon A Leigh, Yalobusha county, Miss; John P Leigh, Yalobusha county, Miss; J L Brockenbrough, Westmoreland county, Va; Thos M Williams, Hilliardston, N C; Walter Henderson, Lynchburg, Va; V M Fleming, W F Fleming, Charlotte county, Va; Alex Day, Warrenton, Va; Jas A Tillman, Edgefield C H, Va; Jas C Boggs, Wm Boggs, Franklin; Jas Huff, White Plains, Brunswick county, Va; Levi Renker, Shenandoah county, Va; Robt E Miller, Rappahannock county, Va; Geo Bassett, Hanover county, Va; Wm Slater, Richmond, Va; Wm H Pierce, Portsmouth, Va; Benj Sedgwick, Warrenton, Va; -- Blakemore, Augusta county, Va; Saml B Peltit, Fluvanna county, Va; -- Gillespie, Louisa county, Va; W N Snead, Granville county, N C; Jos C Harrison, Brunswick county, Va; Chas B Williams, Orange county, Va; Oscar Stephenson, Highland county, Va; Robt L Brockenbrough, Rockingham county, Va.

Cadets appointed will report without delay, as the course of studies is not suspended.

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