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Later from the North.

another order from PopePrivate property in Virginia not to be respected — resignation of the Baltimore Council. &c.

We have received late Northern papers, including Philadelphia to the 25th and Baltimore papers to the 26th inst. The following is a summary of the news:

From Pope's army.

The following order has been issued by General Pope:

Headq'rs army of Virginia,
Washington, July 25.

General Orders, No. 13.
Hereafter no guard will be placed over private houses or private property of any description whatever. Only commanding officers are responsible for the conduct of the troops under their command, and the articles of war and the regulations of the army provide ample means for restraining them to the full extent required for discipline and efficiency.--Soldiers were called into the field to do battle against the enemy, and it is not expected that their force and energy shall be wasted in protecting private property of those most hostile to the Government. No. soldier serving in this army shall be hereafter employed on such service.

By command of Maj.-Gen. Pope.
(Signed,) Geo. D. Ruggles,
Col. A. A. G. and Chief of Staff.

A dispatch from Warrenton to Washington says that information has been received that Gen. Jackson is at Louisa C. H. with 24,000 men, and Gen. Ewell at Gordonsville with sufficient men to make the entire force 30,000. His intention, it was thought by the Federals, was to break their lines and march on Washington.

Affairs in Baltimore.

The reports of proceedings at the late called session of the Baltimore City Councils have been heretofore published in the Dispatch. Since the demonstration made on Wednesday afternoon, the members of the Second Branch have declined to attend the chamber, and Friday, after an interview by the President of the Branch with Gen. Wool nine of the members addressed to that officer the following note announcing their resignation. The response of Gen. Wool is annexed:

Baltimore, 25th July, 1862.

Maj. Gen. John E. Wool, U. S. A.:
Dear Sir
--In a construction of your views as expressed to two members of our body, that the interests and peace of our city will be promoted by our resigning our position as members of the Second Branch of the City Council, we respectfully inform you that we have accordingly tendered our resignations to Mr. John Lee Chapman, ex-officio Mayor.

We are, General, most respectfully,

Chas J Baker, President, 13th and 14th wards; Decatur H Miller, 11th and 12th wards; Wm Dean, 1st and 2d wards; Jesse Marden, 3d and 4th wards; Asa Higgins, 19th and 20th wards; Wm Swindell, 17th and 18th wards; Joseph Robb, 15th and 16th wards; Francis W. Alricks, 9th and 10th wards; John W Willson, 7th and 8th wards.

Approved, with the assurance to all the members that it will at all times give me great pleasure to give them and their interest the most perfect protection, believing that their resignations proceed from no other motive than the promotion of the best interest of Baltimore and the country in general. John E. Wool, Major-General.

One hundred and seventy-four sick and wounded arrived in Baltimore Friday. Dr. Richardson, formerly of the U. S. Navy, has been sent to Fort McHenry for using treasonable language. An election for new members of the Council has been ordered by the Major.

A rebel operator Reads Gen. Halleck's dispatches for four days.

A Memphis correspondent of the New York Times writes on the 18th as follows:

The telegraph line between Memphis and Corinth is exceedingly important. Gen. Halleck's messages to Com. Davis, Gen. Curtis and the commandant of this post have all passed over it. Little of the line is guarded, but of late the rebels have refrained from cutting the wires. Their unusual amiability is now explained; they found a better use for it!

For a week the Memphis operators have detected something wrong in the working of the instruments, and surmised that some outsider was sharing their telegraphic secrets. They communicated this suspicion to the superintendent at Corinth, who promised to keep a sharp lookout.

Yesterday they discovered that their uninvited confidant could talk as well as listen. The transmission of a message was suddenly interrupted by the ejaculation, ‘"O, pahaw ! "’ A moment after it was again broken with ‘"Hurrah for Jeff. Davis!"’

Individuality shows itself as well in telegraphing as in the footstep, or in handwriting. Mr. Hall, one of the Memphis operators, instantly recognized the performer, not by his tune, but his time, as a young man formerly in Buffalo and other Northern offices, but now employed by the Confederates, Mr. Hall surprised him by replying promptly, ‘"Ed. Saville, if you don't want to be hung you had better leave ! Our cavalry is closing in on both sides of you !"’

There was a little pause, and then the reply: ‘"How in the world did you know me! However, I've been here four days, and learned all we want to know. As this is becoming rather a tight place, I think I will leave. You'll see me again when you least expect it. Good bye, boys!"’

The rebel operator made good his escape. He had cut the wire, inserted a piece of his own, and by a pocket instrument had been reading our official dispatches. Some of the utmost importance, giving the very information most desired by the rebels, were passing, and as they were not in cipher he must have received them. One from Gen. Hovey, commandant of this post, in reply to a question from Gen. Halleck, stated the precise number of our available men in Memphis and their exact location.

Riot and excitement at New Albany, Ind.

The ill-feeling between the whites and blacks which has lately been exhibited at Toledo, Columbus, and Cincinnati, Ohio, and Chicago, Illinois, has also begun to ripen in Indiana. We find the following in the Louisville papers of Wednesday:

An affray occurred in New Albany, Ind., on Monday between a party of white men and some negroes, in which John Locke was killed and Charles Lansford was wounded in the leg. Both were white boys. Four notorious negroes, named Johnson, Simms, Pell, and Price, were arrested, charged with being connected with the shooting. A good deal of excitement existed in New Albany on Tuesday, which grew out of the affair, and two or three innocent negroes were assaulted on the street by white men.

It was rumored that an attack would be made on Tuesday night on a settlement of negroes about a mile back of the city, called West Union or Dogtown, and unless prevented, the only result would be a fearful story of death. We sincerely trust, for the fair fame of our sister city, and the welfare of its people, that the officers of the law will prove themselves vigilant and efficient, and prevent any more outbreaks.

P. S.--We learn by passengers on the night train from St. Louis that, as they came through New Albany, about 8½ P. M., the city was full of excitement, men running about drunk, adding all they could to the alarm, causing great fears of further rioting. The negroes are said to have all deserted the settlement back of the city, not a soul being left in it. No rioting had taken place at the time the passengers came through, though there were serious fears that there would be.

No drafting in New York.

The New York Journal of Commerce is of opinion that there will be no necessity for a draft in that State. It says:

‘ It is now quite certain that New York city will raise her portion of the stated quota without drafting. The Governor's $50 bounty does not yet have the effect in this city that was anticipated. ‘"Seeing is believing,"’ and three-fourths of the persons who are almost disposed to enlist prefer to wait until they can get a sight of one half of the bounty. They are willing to wait a reasonable time for the balance. It would seem to be a matter within the range of human invention to contrive some system by which $25 of the bounty money — or better still, the whole of it — could be paid to the recruit immediately after he has put down his name. The recruiting officers are now more than ever convinced that 15,000 or 20,000 men could be at once raised in this city by adopting that course.

The Treason case in Boston.

The case of Charles P. Gordon and others, charged with using seditious and treasonable language, with cheering for Jeff, Davis, and giving vent to exultation, on the 3d of July, when rumors of the defeat of the Union arms reached Boston, was called for examination in that city on Tuesday:

On the opening of the case. R. H. Dana, Jr., Esq., United States Attorney, stated to the Commissioner that he had been unable to attend the examination hitherto, but had made a careful examination of the testimony, and, on conference with his associate, had come to the conclusion that there was not evidence sufficient to justify the committal of the defendants.

That the defendants had entered with strong feelings into the rebel cause, sympathized with it, expressed publicly their exultation at the rebel successes, and their hopes for the triumph of the rebellion, seemed very clear. They also had correspondence with the persons who furnished early intelligence on the rebel side.

Still, there was no proof that they had done any act, or given any aid or information, or endeavored to obstruct enlistment, or otherwise to assist in the war. He thought it a case in which they should be rather left to the reprobation, and, he would add, the watchfulness of the community, than be committed for trial for a crime. He therefore discontinued the proceedings.

Commissioner Merwin thereupon ordered the discharge of the prisoners.

Confederate army at Gordonsville, Va.

The New York World has this item from a Washington correspondent:

I learn from pretty accurate private sources that Ewell's, Hill's, Longstreet's and Jackson's divisions (rebels)' have left Richmond gradually during the past fortnight, mostly going over the Virginia Central Railroad, and are now concentrated near Gordonsville, constituting an army 60,000 strong. Undoubtedly an attempt is making on Maryland or Washington. Our people are still uncertain whether it will be made up the Valley or this way.

From M'Clellan's army — its loss before Richmond.

The latest dispatches from McClellan's army to July 24th, say that fresh vegetables from the North are to be furnished to the men. A. general order announces that Capt. Biddle, of McClellan's staff died at Richmond. Six hundred paroled Federal prisoners were sent from Fortress Monroe on the 24th. A dispatch from there, of the same date says:

‘ The sailing vessels, schooners, &c., which have been lying up the James river for some time near James Island, have, within a few days, dropped down the river and anchored in the roads, just above Fortress Monroe.

A dispatch from Washington says the official report received there from McClellan's headquarters, states the Federal loss before Richmond at 16,000, including killed, wounded and missing.

From Memphis — Enforcement of a Brutal order.

Maj. Gen. Sherman assumed command at Memphis on the 20th instant, and proceeded to enforce the following order of his predecessor:

General order, no. 1.

Headq'rs U. S. Forces. Western Tenn., Memphis, July 17, 1862.

  1. I. Traitors and rebels who refuse to comply with the laws and support the Constitution of the United States should not be permitted to remain with in the camp lines of the Federal army. At this time the corporate limits of the city of Memphis are within the lines of the United States forces, and all male residents or sojourners within the limits of said city, between the ages of 18 and 45 years, who are capable of bearing arms, are hereby required to take the oath of allegiance to the United States, or leave the limits of said city within six days after the publication of this order.
  2. II. If any person within the Smith of said city shall hereafter publish, speak or utter seditious or treasonable language towards the Government of the United States, the Provost Marshal shall, upon proof of the fact, banish every person so offending to the State of Arkansas.
  3. III. Any persons who shall violate the provisions of the first section of this order shall he deemed spies, and, after conviction, treated accordingly.
  4. IV. Persons leaving the city, under the provisions of this order, will not be required to take any oath or give a parole; but will receive a pass from the Provost Marshal. The oath of allegiance here-by required must be substantially in the following form:

Oath of allegiance.

I solemnly swear that I will bear true allegiance to the United States of America, and support the Constitution and the laws thereof; that lid enounce the so-called Confederate States, and pledge my honor, property and life to the sacred fulfillment of this oath, hereby freely taken, admitting that its violation will be illegal and infamous.

The oath must be subscribed and sworn to before the Provost Marshal.

By order of Alvin P. Hovey.
Brigadier-General Commanding.
John E. Phillips, Assistant Adjutant General.

This order created great consternation in the city, and resulted in 400 persons taking the oath, and 130 receiving passes to go South. A dispatch from Memphis, dated the 22d, says that the Provost's office that day was thronged with persons getting passes for the South.

Affairs in New York.

New York, July 25.
--The decline in gold and sterling exchange yesterday exercised a depressing influence on the market for breadstuffs; prices of flour declined 10a20e. per barrel, and of wheat fully one cent per bushel. Corn closed heavily. The day's sales of flour were moderate; of wheat and corn quite liberal. The freight engagements, however, were restricted.

At a meeting of the committees representing the New York Chamber of Commerce, the Union Defence Committee and the Common Council, yesterday, resolutions were adopted declaring that every person and community of doubtful loyalty should be regarded as disloyal, and none trusted who is not willing to sacrifice property, life and opinion for the common good; that the time is here when we must strike for national life with every weapon God has given us; that delay strengthens the rebels and wastes us; that it is better that every rebel should perish than that one more loyal soldier should die; and therefore they earnestly urge the President immediately to ‘"issue the order [the enforcement of the confiscation and emancipation acts] which will take from the rebels their great source of strength, [their slaves,] while it will diminish their army by calling to the defence of their homes large numbers of rebel officers and men."’

Brevet Colonel Jerome Garibaldi, cousin to the great General of Italian fame, is now a resident among us, and there is a movement on foot to organize a regiment, to be composed of Germans, French, Italians, Hungarians, and other nationalities.

United States District Attorney E. Delafield Smith and District Attorney Hall have determined upon promptly prosecuting any person or persons who shall issue shinplasters after the 1st of August.

In respect to the death of ex President Van Buren, the flags on the City Hall and throughout the city were displayed at half must yesterday.

Affairs in Philadelphia.

Philadelphia, July 25.
--At the meeting of citizens yesterday to adopt measures to raise 10 regiments of volunteers in this city, the following, among other subscriptions, were announced; Wm. Sellers & Co., $2,000; A. Whitney & Sons, $3,000; M. W. Baldwin & Co., $2,000; Belmont & Dougherty, $1,000; Matthews & Moore, $1,000; Tho. Polter, $1,000; John Rice, $1,000; A. Junks & Son, $1,000; Wm F. Potts, $1,000; G. H, Stuart, $1,000; Chas, Gilpin, $1,000; Joseph K. Wheeler, $1,000; Andrew Wheeler, $1,000, and several others for similar amounts.

The Corn Exchange have voted to devote their entire fund for the immediate organization of a regiment.

Suffering in Europe — the Volunteering.

The Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Sun, writing July 25th, says:

‘ A diplomat who has lately arrived from Europe, and who enjoyed there great facilities for observation, states that we can have no conception of the degree of suffering and distress that prevails among the working classes in England, France and Belgium, on account of the war in America. Still the people bear their calamity with great fortitude, hoping for a favorable change. Their condition will be rendered much worse should the crops prove short, and the cost of bread and provisions be increased. Intervention in any but a moral sense was not expected or called for.

Massachusetts is likely to be the first State to fill up her quota of volunteers, although a common laborer there, as in some other portions of the North, may earn two dollars a day. In one town in Massachusetts the other day a bounty fund was subscribed, equal to three hundred and thirty three dollars for each man of the quota called for Larger bounties are given for nine and twelve months men than were paid in France for a substitute for seven years service under the conscription acts. There is a determination, if possible, to avoid the necessity of resorting to drafting.

Later from New Orleans.

From a gentleman just returned from New Orleans, in the Fulton, at New York, the Express has obtained the following items of news:

Business was prostrated, as there is no supply of any sort of merchandize on hand. Provisions are extremely high, and the order of Gen. Butter is more ‘"honored in the breach than in the observance."’

There is but one hotel of any note open for the reception of guests and this house (the City Hotel) has only about fifty guests. The St. Charles is looked up--Gen. Butler having removed his quarters to the house of General Twiggs.

The colored population are getting very insolent, and they very frequently refuse even to obey the sentries. General Butler, it is said, has threatened to punish them for disobedience of lawful orders of their owners, but they laugh at it, and dare their owners to punish them. A few days before the Fulton sailed a leaded Government wagon was upset in the street within view of about fifty colored persons, but they could only be induced to assist in lifting it by the appearance of a few cavalry soldiers, who had to use the of their swords.

The health of General Butler was getting very delicate, so much so that it was feared he would have to come North again.

There was but comparatively little sickness among the troops, and the physicians of New Orleans express the opinion that there will be but little yellow fever this summer.

Front up the river the news is not satisfactory — the Union forces not being sufficiently large to undertake any new expedition. They are out sufficient, indeed, to retain the places taken. There are but few transports arriving from above and these are often fired upon by the guerrillas along the shores, who know the country so well that they can hide themselves from pursuit.

At Baton Rouge everything is very quiet, but most of the houses are closed, and the beautiful gardens which, in the happier days of the city, were its ornament, are going to waste, there being nobody left to care for them.

Com. Porter, of the mortar fleet, had arrived at New Orleans with the larger portion of his vessels, there being but eight left at Vicksburg. These, with the rams and gunboats of Com. Davis, are thought to be sufficient to look after the place, which, by the bye is said to be half destroyed by the rebels.

The Red river is still infested by the rebel gunboats William H. Webb and Music, which commit all sorts of depredations. To stop their doings, the gunboat Cayuga has been ordered to the Red river, and no doubt will succeed in overtaking and capturing the rebel boats.

The premium on gold.

The high premium on gold has stimulated shipments of the precious metal from California. The Aspinwall steamer that arrived at New York on Thursday brought $873,000, and from San Francisco we learn that the steamer which left that city on the 11th instant has on board $950,000, and the steamer of the 21st has $1,114,000--making a total monthly shipment of nearly three million of dollars. The premium on gold declined considerably Friday. At the Baltimore stock board $62,000 sold at 115¼;@116¼, against 119¼ on Thursday. There was also a similar decline Friday in New York, sales of $1,400,000 having been made at 111 ½ @ 115.

Carrying away the Stolen negroes.

The Federal troops on Edisto Island, S. C., having been sent to reinforce McClellan, the negro ‘"refugees"’ there were sent to St. Helena Island. A correspondent of the New York World says:

‘ They were removed en masse. Nearly one thousand came here at one time on one of our smaller steamboats. The scene was heartrending. They were literally stowed on the decks and between decks. It was a shadow of the middle passage.--And yet how far short of the reality. Several births occurred during the trip. We trust the little strangers were ‘ "free born."’


The new U. S. tax bill goes into operation on the 1st of September next.

The remains of Ex President Yan Buren were interred at Kinderhook on Monday last.

It is stated that there are 6,400 ‘"loyal black emigrants"’ in Kansas, who Senator Jim Lane can enlist.

Gen. Halleck has gone to the Peninsula to confer with McClellan.


The New York Journal of Commerce, of Friday, July 25th, thus speaks of the market in that city on Thursday:

There is a paniic in gold, and the prices in the street dropped to 117, but afterwards partially recovered, closing, however, at very irregular rates. Part of this panic is owing, doubtless, to the arrival of $878,834 from California, this being about double the usual weekly shipment. Old demand notes declined to 107a107¼;.

Foreign exchange is heavy and lower, with sales of bankers' sterling reported as low as 128½ but prices are altogether nominal.

The stock market was better in most particulars, but without animation.

The total receipts to-day at the sub-treasury were $1,807,277.71; total payments $2,425,693.41; leaving a balance on hand in specie and demand notes of $6,556,189.48. The receipts for duties today at the custom-house were $101,752.48, all of which were in demand notes.

The statements of the Banks of the three principal cities of the Union for the last week compare with the previous one, and the corresponding time of 1861, as follows:

N. Y'k.$1489,827,423129,485,97731,926,6099,155,301
last w.$246,750,858178,406,49345,656,38421,163,602
last yr.$196,281,389128,030,18260,742,25417,222,737

at the first board in New York, Friday, the stock market was firm. Missouri 6's advanced and Tennessee 6's ½ North Carolina 6's declined per cent. Erie R was better, N. Y. Central R and Reading R 1 per cent. Gold declined 3¼ per cent. Premium, selling at 115. at the second board the market was firm.

stock prices at New York, July 24.

1st Board.2d Board.
Virginia 6's0000
Missouri 6's46½47
Tennessee bonds50½50½
North Carolina bonds6500
American Gold115000
Canton Company0000
Erie Railroad34½84½
New York Central R93½93½
Reading Railroad57½56½

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