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The cul de sac.

From having assumed the form and crushing power of the anaconda, the enemy now finds himself according to the New York Herald, in a cul de sac . That paper declares that in return for the essence outlay of blood and treasure which the North has incurred, it has gained Cary blue and loss very much It further declares that the Confederates are stronger than ever; that they have more soldiers then the North; that the numbers of Union men in the South are dally diminishing, and the separation of the two sections grows wider and wider. In short, the Harald admits that the Federal Government is in a ‘" out de sac!"’

Bennett every plainly sees the impossibility of the South, and desires to impress the Northern mind with the same conviction. The reason with him is, that he sees nothing but ruin to the North in the prosecution of a hopeless war — a rules in which he that has never been true to any but himself fears will envelop his own affairs in its wide range. Therefore he would prefer to see it stopped at once. His tactics are well known. His art at rowing both ways at once has never been equalled. In the article to which we allude, extradites from which appeared in our paper yesterday, he makes out subjugation as impossible and the war as hopeless. This is to influence the public mind in a direction he desires to turn it. But just and true as are his reasons and conclusions in this view, he is too sagacious not to appreciate the hunger in which he places himself by leaving the subject at this point. He dreads Fort Hamilton or some other Northern bastile, and, to save himself, he proceeds to inquire what shall the Lincoln Government do in this dilemma, in this hopeless condition of its attempt at subjugation? How shall it get out of the cul de sac in which it is involved ? Shall we give up the war, and let the rebels go in asks the Herald, and it responds ‘"never"’--of course. It declares that the conflict has gone too far, and has assumed the sublime aspect of ‘"whether the country can be saved,"’ and it asserts State must be done by a desperate effort, concluding with this peculiar scantest "We are in a cul de sac from which our only escape is the suppression of the rebellion by force, While the South can take very little alarm from the Herald's mode of crushing the rebellion, since it proposes nothing new, it can give no hope to the Sorvians of the North, who are aware, no doubt, that all the ‘"force"’ their master at Washington could employ against us has been buried upon us with all possible venom.

The cul de sac is not to be very readily escaped. The difficulties of the malignant foe, who finds within it are but to be multiplied as time progresses, while woof the South, fighting for our dearest rights and most sacred things, are cheered and strengthened by our successes, and the enemy's evident and deep embarrassments. His debt his difficulties in recruiting, his troubles in providing and maintaining his armies in the invaded country, where he is most and crippled by so determined a foe, all depress his spirit and fill him with apprehensions. They but increase our energies and encourage our hopes of the speedy vindication of our rights, and the banishment of the hated fee from our beloved country.

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