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150 dollars reward.

--Ran away from me in New Kent county, on the 11th of May last, three negro men--Armistead, Archer, and Braxton.

Armistead is about 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, is a bright yellow, and wears a full set of black whiskers. He has been seen in Gen. Hood's brigade. Armistead is about 40 years old.

Archer is of a dark complexion, with a scar over one eye. He is about 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high. When he walks he leans forward a little. He is about 22 years old.

Braxton is a yellow fellow, round face, and talks very slow. He has a scar on one of his arms, about five or six inches long, just above his elbow. He is about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, and is about 28 years old.

I will pay the above reward for their delivery to me in Richmond, or if deposited in jail so I can get them; or fifty dollars a piece for either of them, or they may be left at the Assistant Provost Marshal's office, with Mr. William New.

je 12--10t* Edward M. Bradley.

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