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From the North.

Our advices from the enemy's country are as late as the 21st of June. We find very little news in the papers before us, and in fact the censorship of the press at the North is now so strict that the sensation editors there have little material wherewith to interest their readers. We make up the following summary:

The siege of Richmond.

The movements of General McClellan absorb everything else in Washington. A majority in both Houses of Congress are unwilling to take any action on an adjournment until after Gen. McClellan strikes a final and decisive blow at Richmond. From all the indications received here, it appears very certain that he will be in the capital of the Old Dominion on the Fourth of July, and sooner, if the rebels should bring on a general engagement.--The capture of Richmond may require Congressional legislation as to the future conduct of the war, and there is no probability that either House will adjourn until after the great fight takes place.

A dispatch from Washington (June 19) says there is no news of importance from McClellan's army. The work of siege was progressing steadily, and new advantages in position were being gained daily. A flat contradiction is given to a report which lead been going the rounds, of the serious indisposition of Gen. McClellan.

The Philadelphia Inquirer says that a call has been or is about to be made for more troops. ‘"The rebellion has now reached the most critical point, and the existing state of affairs calls for the highest, statesmanship in the Cabinet, the most exalted military capacity in the field, and the most thorough, harmonious, and cordial co-operation of both."’

A correspondent of the New York Post describes the defences about Richmond as follows:

‘ No child's play is before us in our onslaught, upon Richmond. The Federal left and centre are already across the Chickahominy, but the fight has still to make the passage. A swamp, hundreds of yards wide, passable in but two or three places, and those right under the enemy's guns, is the first obstacle to be surmounted. The left and centre have already done this. Then there is a range of hills, the tops of which are fringed with woods, in which are concealed the enemy's batteries. In front of these woods a series of open fields upon hillsides, fully a mile across, every inch of which can be raked by Confederate rifles and Confederate cannon, and the roads and paths through which are guarded by all sorts of pitfalls, torpedoes and other unmanly defences, form the second difficulty, if possible greater than the first. Then, if the hills are mounted, and the Confederate position be in our possession, we look down upon Richmond, to be sure, but between that gaol and our stand-point, we see — what?--a series of entrenchments and forts, built by skillful engineers, planned by traitors whose wits are sharpened by a long course of intrigue and treason, and manned by a foe goaded on by desperation. This is the prospect before us.

Washington news.

Washington, June 19.
--The Post-Office Department re-opened to-day the post-office at Beaufort, N. C., being the first post-office regularly established since the occupation of that place by the U. S. forces.

Surgeon-General Hammond has, within the past few days, provided 16,000 beds for the sick and wounded in the hospitals here and in the Northern cities.

The English papers by the last steamer assert that the Circassian, which was condemned for attempting to run the blockade, could not have entered our Southern ports on account of her great draught of water. But it is known to the Government that the Circassian was bound to Charleston, and the facts show that she could easily have entered New Orleans, Mobile, Pensacola, Savannah, Charleston, or Wilmington. The vessel and cargo are valued at about $1,400,000.

Congress has inquired why the Prize Courts of Philadelphia and New York do not take action towards condemning some of the rebel vessels that have been captured. The result of the inquiry may produce facts of a startling character.

Three or four thousand seamen for naval service are immediately wanted. At present there are only thirty-nine men available in all New England. The question is asked, where are the New England fishermen?

It is believed that a carrespondence is now progressing, relative to a general exchange of prisoners.

Seward has returned from his visit to the North.

The Cavalry Reconnaissance.

Occasionally we get another item about the brilliant dash of Stuart's cavalry. A Lieut. Bedford, of Pennsylvania, reports as follows in relation to the attack upon the railroad train at Tunstall's:

‘ I and several others, soldiers and civilians, were standing or sitting upon three or four of the platform cars as the train approached Tunstall's, when I observed a number of men (about a hundred) formed on each side of the track, and as the train was slowly passing Tunstall's the engineer was fired at. We then knew who they were, but had no time to do anything. No less than three volleys were fired at us as we passed them; another when we were ahead of them. Several of our men fell with their faces upon the cars, and escaped in almost every case. I received thirteen balls in my legs and side, one of which passed completely through my left thing; the others were probably buckshot or pistol balls. Fortunately, none of the shot entered very deep, and I feel-first-rate. I thought when I saw the rebels that they were one of our own regiments forming in line.

Cumberland Gap.

Gen. George W. Morgan sends a dispatch to the abolition Secretary of War, dated Cumberland Gap. June 18. It states that his army commenced its march at 1 o'clock that morning to attack the Confederates at Cumberland Gap, but on their arrival they found that this important position had been evacuated, the rear guard having left only about four hours before the arrival of the Federals.

[Another upsetting of a deep laid scheme.]

From Fortress Monroe, etc.

Fortress Monroe, June 19.
--Everything is quiet here, and there is no news of any importance transpiring. Six boys were brought in yesterday by our cavalry. They said that the rebel pickets on our left wing had advanced, and they had accidentally strayed over the lines. They are believed to have been spies, sleeping in the swamps during the day and spying around among our pickets at night.

There is occasional skirmishing going on along the whole line of the army of the Potomac, but a general engagement is not expected for some days.

The sloop-of-war John Adams went to sea this afternoon, with the senior class of the U. S. Naval Academy on board.

Capture of a Philadelphian.

Fortress Monroe, June 18.
--By the Nelly Baker, just from the White House, we learn that John Laughlin, of Philadelphia, formerly with Pomeroy & Co., merchants on Arch street, was captured, in company with his partner, Mr. Parker, by the rebels in their raid of last Friday evening. He is said to have had $15,000 of his own and regiment's money when taken. Nothing has been heard of him or Parker since then. Several other gentlemen coming with them to White House were also made prisoners.

The Nelly Baker brings twenty-six rebel scoundrels--their looks brand them as such — who have been arrested in the neighborhood of White House, and against whom proof is gathered of acting with and aiding the marauders on Friday evening. They should meet with speedy punishment.

Efforts are being made here to induce the Government to release the wounded prisoners and send them home, as soon as they are able to be moved, without waiting for an exchange, or taking even the parole of honor.

The arrest of Mr. Soule.

We have already announced the arrest, in New Orleans, of Hon. Pierre Soule and Mr. Mazureau, sheriff of the city. A correspondent of the Philadelphia Bulletin gives the subjoined particulars:

‘ An arrest was made to-day which will probably astonish the residents of this city when it becomes known to them, and will convince them that Gen. Butler is in earnest, and that he is no respecter of persons where treason is discovered. The person arrested is the Hon. Pierre Soule, formerly Minister to Spain, and an ex-member of Congress. Gen. Butler has been convinced of his guilt ever since we arrived here, and has only postponed his arrest for the purpose of gaining positive proof, which he has now obtained.

The charges against him are, first, he is the leader of a secret society known as the Southern Independence Association, of which each member is solemnly sworn to oppose, at the cost of his life, if necessary, the reconstruction of the old Union, no matter what disaster may befall the Confederate cause, and to aid by armed force, if required, the Confederate Government in carrying out its laws for the confiscation of the property of Union men, and in the detection and punishment or expulsion of people whom they regard as spies. The second charge is that Mr. Soule was the author of the insolent letter sent by the late Mayor to Commodore Farragut, and is the principal supporter of the rebellion in this city.

’ Having obtained full evidence of the above charges, the General issued the following order to Colonel French, Provost Marshal, and directed him to send one of his most competent deputies to make the arrest:

Headq'rs Department of the Gulf, New Orleans. May 28, 1862.
To Jones H. French, Provost Marshal of New Orleans:
Sir.--You are hereby directed immediately to arrest and place in safe confinement the person of Pierre Soule, of this city, and there hold him until

he can be transferred by a safe transport to Fort Warren, Mass.

By order of Major-Gen. Butler.
P. Haggerty, Capt. and Aide-de-camp.

Capt. Connant, late of the 31st Massachusetts regiment, now a Deputy Provost Marshal, was entrusted with the delicate business. He called at the office of Mr. Soule this morning, but Mr. Soule was not there; his son was in, however, and, knowing nothing of Captain Connant's business, promised that his father should be at his residence at five o'clock this afternoon.

Captain Connant was on hand at the appointed hour, and found Mr. Soule at home. He informed him that he was ordered to arrest him; but Mr. Soule refused to go with him, without an order from the Provost Marshal. Captains Connant folded the order so as to conceal that part which referred to his being sent to Fort Warren, and showed him the balance. Mr. Soule at one consented to the arrest, and was taken before Gen. Butler. After some conversation he was temporarily released, on giving his parole of honor to report to the General whenever he should be ordered to do so. He will probably be sent to New York.

Mr. Soule and Mr. Mazureau arrived in New York in due time, and were sent as prisoners to Fort Warren on the 19th inst.

Reflections upon the battle of Seven Pines.

A correspondent of the New York Times writes from the army below Richmond as follows:

‘ Much dissatisfaction is existing among the Massachusetts troops, arising from the manner in which their allotment funds are distributed to their friends.

Prisoners say that the battle of Fair Oaks, on Saturday, was prematurely commenced. That it was not the intention of the rebel Generals to commence hostilities until nearer night, at which time Gen. Lee, with a force of 15,000 would have been in position to cut off the retreat of General Casey's divisions — but coming unexpectedly upon his pickets, he was compelled to engage him at an early hour, and consequently General Lee was not in the battle.

The commands of Gen. Casey's division now remain in the woods at Poplar Hill, for in the rear — living, as many of us have lived during this campaign, in huts made of logs, boughs, turf, or whatever substitute for tents our ingenuity could suggest. But they are dispirited, and already clamorous to be discharged from the service in which they have lost so much. To such an extent does this sentiment prevail that we much doubt whether they can be again relied upon as brave, ambitious soldiers. They are at present deficient in every species of equipments, and are rapidly losing sight of all rule of subordination and discipline.

General paragraphs.

The National Intelligencer, of the 19th, says:

‘ We are gratified to learn that Robert Fowler, Esq., Treasurer of Maryland, has tendered to the Government her quota of war tax, under the act of Congress of August 6th, 1861. Maryland, we believe, has the credit of ranking as the second State which has thus promptly tendered the war tax--Pennsylvania being the first.

An officer who has returned from the army of McClellan states that quite a number of the Surgeons belonging to the different regiments are totally incompetent to discharge the duties, and that some of the wounded have been worse mangled by them than they were by the bullets of the rebels. Many of them are hardhearted and unfeeling, and are not fit to associate with the rebels who surround the camp. These cases should be properly laid before the Surgeon-General.

Yesterday some rebel prisoners were brought to Alexandria, where a number of Secession ladies clustered around them, furnishing them with dainty refreshments and choice flowers. This was all well enough, but these same ladies grossly insulted our soldiers, who were guarding the prisoners, and cheered for Jeff. Davis. This should not be allowed, even if women are the guilty ones.

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Casey (2)
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Seward (1)
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George W. Morgan (1)
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