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Police Court.

--The rigmarole of rascality before the Chief Magistrate, on yesterday, was, though limited, decidedly unique. With the exception of one or two ‘"nuisances,"’ the budget consisted of allegations of theft. John Williams was charged with robbing Peter Pride of sundry ‘"Memmingers,"’ of the denomination of tens and twenties, but was discharged, owing to the fact that the evidence of the only witness was not sufficiently conclusive to justify a ‘"send on."’ John Thomas, who said he was a servant to Major Barbour, was remanded for purloining about forty dollars from Sam Bell; and the remnant of the money found on his person answering to the description given, was handed over to the said Sam.--Elias Vannerlip was accused of stealing sundry hay from J. N. Horflect. His case had been continued from the day preceding, in order to enable him to bring up some witnesses in his behalf; but not having them ready yesterday, he was bailed to appear before the Court of Hustings.--A number of nymphs du pave appeared in the hall, upon the opening of the Court, and aggravated the observers with the idea that something rich was about to be opened; but they all vanished before anybody could make out the meaning of their visit.

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John Williams (1)
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Sam Bell (1)
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