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Some incidents of the battles.

Chickahominy Swamp, June th 1862.
To the Editors of the Dispatch:
In the flurry and excitement of the present state of in the Southern Confederacy, we are to overlook the truly deserving, and give place to the first account. I, who was a participant in the battles of Saturday and Sunday, write only to do justice to some of the gallant heroes of these battles. The deeds of the brave should always be chronicled, both in justice to them and as an incitement to gallant deeds in others. Where all behaved so well, it would be hard to establish the pre-eminence ofany; but I would speak particularly of the patience and heroism exhibited by the 8th Virginia and 5th North Carolina regiments, both of whom were almost annihilated by the destructive fire of the enemy. Wading up to the waist in mud and water, exposed to a murderous fire of the enemy without a chance of returning it effectually, they fought throughout that bloody day with a fierce valor and determination worthy of veterans. Major P. J. Sinclair, who commanded the 5th North Carolina regiment, distinguished himself by his daring and coolness under fire. This regiment fired the first volley in the battle, and remained on the field until it was so cut up it had to retire. The instances of personal heroism, we are told, are almost innumerable. One private, it is said, kept ten Federain at bay for sometime, until they advanced on him with leveled muskets, when he shot one down, deliberately broke his gun on a tree, and surrendered himself a prisoner. This was only an individual instance. Hundreds of such occurred. It is proper to state that the bravery of the 6th South Carolina was unequaled, a great number of their regiment having been killed. Lieut. Samuel G. Grasly, of the Wise Legion, though not connected with the Army of the Potomac, joined a company for the day, and conducted himself with a reckless daring and headlong courage which challenged the admiration of all who saw him. He was a Cadet, of Lexington, and is truly a model of the talent and chivalry of that celebrated academy. We would also call attention to the Infantry Battalion of Hampton's Legion, who fought with a desperate fire akin to that of devils. A great many of the officers were killed outright, and there was a total of 228 privates killed, wounded and missing, out of bill engaged. Never was more gallantry displayed by any body of troops since the origin of the world, and a nation a gratitude will be there reward. They were totally demoralized for the want of officers, yet.

Each struck singly, silently and home,

And sank outwearing, rather than overcome.

And so will all of our brave troops strike terror to the hearts of the vandal horde, until the last one shall be driven from our shores.

A Captain.

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