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General Assembly of Virginia.

extra Session.

Monday, May 5, 1862.
The Senate met at 12 o'clock, and was called to order by Lieut. Gov. Montague.

The roll was called and only eighteen members responded, viz: Messrs Anderson, Armstrong Ball, Brannon, Coghill, Collier, Finney, Garnett, Hart, Isbell, Johnson, Marshall, Neesen, Newton, Newman, Robinson, Thompson, and Willey.

Mr. Johnson, of Bedford, suggested an adjournment until to-morrow at 12, M.

Mr. Robertson, of Richmond city, thought, to view of the importance of getting a quorum to-day, that the Senate had better take a recess until 6 ½ o'clock in the evening, and submitted a motion to that effect.

This motion, as amended by Mr. Thompson of Dinwiddie, extending the hour to 8 P. M., was carried by ayes 16. nays 1.

[We copy the calendar of the only business to which the attention of the Senate is likely to be called, consisting of Senate bills returned from the House and joint resolutions returned from ditto and not acted on at the time of adjournment:

A bill to provide for holding elections to fill vacancies in the representation in the Senate from the 46th and 50th Districts.

A bill providing for the appointment of additional clerks in the office of the Auditor of Public Accounts.

A bill to provide temporary warehouses for tobacco.

A bill to establish an inspection of leather in the city of Norfolk.

A bill to refund license taxes to volunteers in the military service, and to other persons.

A bill to amend an act entitled "an act to incorporate the American Agency," passed March 29th, 1861.

A bill for the relief of Robert Shield, late sheriff of the county of York.

A bill authorizing the purchase for the State of certain lots in Hollywood Cemetery.

A bill to amend the 1st, 7th and 22nd auctions of an act entitled "an act to raise troops to meet the requisition on Virginia by the President of the Confederate States," passed February 10, 1862.

A bill providing payment for horses taken in the service of the State.

A bill to redress loyal citizens injured by the exercise of usurped power.

A bill to carry into office, a contract made with the lessens of the Washington and Smyth Works for the purchase of salt.

A bill declaring the standard of cord measure.

A bill providing for and regulating the salary of the third clerk in the Treasurer's Department.

Resolution instructing the General to with the Confederate Government the validity of any laws of said Government as the right to sequestrate or confiscate the property held by residents of the United States in the State of Virginia.

Resolution concerning army and navy officers.

Resolute to exempt a certain number of workmen in manufactories of agricultural implements.

Resolution for Auditing Board.

Evening Session.

The Senate reassembled at 8 o'clock P. M.

Mr. Brannon, of Lewis, moved that the Executive be informed that the Senate is in session and ready to receive any communication he may have to make.

Mr. Robertson, of Richmond city, with a view of ascertaining whether there was a quorum present, called for the ayes and nays.

Mr. Isbell, of Jefferson, thought the proposition of Mr. Brannon proper. Nevertheless, if the Senator from Richmond city desired the ayes and nays he could reach that result in a parliamentary way.

Mr. Robertson, of Richmond city, was anxious to have a call of the House, that the country might know who were discharging their duties and who were not.

Mr. Armstrong, of Hampshire, thought that as the call of the morning showed no quorum, it was necessary to be certain of a quorum before any business could be transacted.

Mr. Neeson, of Marion, moved an adjournment till 12 o'clock to-morrow. This motion was decided in the affirmative by ayes 10, nays 8.

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Robertson (3)
Brannon (3)
Thompson (2)
Edward Johnson (2)
Isbell (2)
Willey (1)
Robinson (1)
Newton (1)
Newman (1)
Neeson (1)
Neesen (1)
Montague (1)
Humphrey Marshall (1)
Marion (1)
William Lewis (1)
Jefferson (1)
Hart (1)
Garnett (1)
Finney (1)
Collier (1)
Coghill (1)
Armstrong Ball (1)
Armstrong (1)
J. R. Anderson (1)
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May 5th, 1862 AD (1)
February 10th, 1862 AD (1)
March 29th, 1861 AD (1)
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