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The sick soldiers.

We would invoke the attention of the proper authorities to the necessity of some adequate preparations for the reception of sick soldiers, and for the shelter, in some sort, of the well who arrive here, but whose exposure will soon make them sick. The writer of this saw on Saturday sick men lying on the pavement, with no hospitals to go to, and hours passed before a hospital was found in which they could be placed. On Saturday night a large number of newly- arrived soldiers slept on the bare ground on Libby's Hill. No one with a human soul can look with composure upon such sufferings. If the authorities have made ample provisions for these men, it is time that they should see that they are carried out. In the name of humanity and of God, whose favor alone can give us success, we invoke one and all, the Government and the citizens, to interfere for the relief of our fellow beings — of our defenders and our champions!--from such unutterable suffering.

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