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#x2014;There is nothing more refining than good music, and no music more touching than the voice of woman, that steals o'er the senses like the tone of flutes upon the waters. The truth of this is so obvious, that even the drama is considered incomplete without the presence of some daughter of song, who may by her thrilling notes excite the softer emotions of the multitude, and instil into the mind, disturbed by outward turmoil, the soothing recollections of other and happier days. On several occasions, when Mille M. A. Boisvert, the gifted vocalist, was at the Theatre, we had to thank her for banishing sorrowful and troublesome thoughts, and the effect of her sweet songs was plainly visible upon her audiences. We believe this young lady still remains in Richmond and surely it would gratify thousands of lovers of good music to be afforded an opportunity of hearing her in public again.

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