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The battle in the Valley.

The most graphic and interesting account we have received of the gallant right in the valley on Sunday, the 23d inst, is contained in letter received by us, written by an eye witness of, and active participant in, the excrement. The writer of this letter is a christian gentleman of high social standing, who has made many sacrifices in behalf of the cause, and who is as ready and willing to shield the sword in defence of the right as to use the pen in describing the heroism devotion of our gallant troops. He ens. the engagement the "Battle of wm. which is probably more correct me we have heretofore given it, Battle of Barton's Rifle." The about one and a half miles dis being only about three and m Winchester.

gratified, in reading this letter high spirit of chivalric gal by our officers in leading on tried soldiers to the une history of this unholy Kernstown must occupy a pro and the martyrs who fell there will hold a conspicuous place in the memories of a grateful people. In all respects it was one of the most remarkable fights of the whole war, and the instances of individual gallantly are perhaps, more numerous than in any other engagement since the war commenced. Our correspondent says:

‘ History scarcely records such a desperate stand as our little army, under Gen Jackson, made against the fearful odds of at least six of seven to one, from all the most reliable accounts received. From every quarter the intelligence arrives that the enemy numbered from eighteen to twenty thousand or more, while our little Spartan hands in the find numbered not more than twenty-five or twenty-seven not dread all told. Yet the victory was our, defeats for we fought the enemy till the dusty evening showed the woods apparently riven with ten thousand streams of lightning fiercely flashing. We then fell back and retired from the field, having piled the ground with the fallen enemy in such numbers that they quelled at the shock of the victory they claimed — sad victory for the Northern army, Indeed.

’ When we consider that our little army marched forty-six miles from Winchester within ten days before, baggage trains and off, and then made a force march on the next day and a half of forty miles, arriving at the scene of action word down and hungry; while the enemy were Irish--had all the advantage ground, a picked position, and six or seven to our one, the wonderful fight which our men made seems beyond all parallel — Had our enemies been in our condition and we in theirs, it is evident that their whole army would have been overthrown. As it was, they were repulsed three times

Skirmishing commenced in the morning between Col. Ashby's and the Yankee cavalry, and continued all day with successful defence upon our part.

The 27th Regiment was brought up on the left at a about half-past 4 o'clock P. M., and with the gallant Col. Echols commanding, did dreadful execution with their sure aim.

The 3rd Regiment, Col. Cummings commanding, was on the right of the 27th, and held the enemy's centre during the battle.

The 21 Regiment, Col. Allen was in position, and fought with tremendous power — the Colonel waving a cartoon ball over his head, and dashing on, it is said, cheering his men through the leaden rain.

The 5th Regiment, with equal determination, Col. Harman commanding fought with undaunted courage. Other regiments were at their posts. The 4th. Lt. Col Reynolds commanding, displayed distinguished bravery. Col. Cummings and Lieut. Col. Jones, of the 33', were in the hottest fire of the enemy's centre, and raided their command with indomitable spirit and bravery; while Adj's Neff behaved with a courage that will not soon be forgotten, and Sergeant Major Barton fought bravely the whole time. The latter is missing. Major Lee being injured by the Rich of a horse before the day of battle was not on the field. The gallant commandants of companies of the 33d and their men responded to the torrent of the enemy's bullets with a rapidly and constancy that can not but add lustre to the glorious name they gained at Manassas.

The Rockingham company, under Lieut Huston, fought with great determination, officers and men, and won for themselves a name of which Rockingham may be proud. They maintained their ground in the face of immense odds. Sergeant Joseph Hansburger, who was twice wounded, it is though, was captured in an ambulance while being carried from the field. Adam Wise was killed. Thomas Middle. George Shipp, and Preston armentrout, were wounded and captured Let those in Rockingham who wish to assist in defence of their homes enlist in this noble company.

The 33rd had only one captain killed--Captain Spank, of the Page company, an officer brave and beloved While peace rests with his asher, the gratitude of his country men will nestle in their memory for his patriotic sacrifice. Lieutenant Buck fought fearlessly, and was wounded. He fell on the field, but it is thought is safe Colonel Cummings came near being captured, the enemy dashing upon him; but the brave officer moved on and met his regiment with his characteristic deliberation, and every heart beat with joy to see him. Lieutenant-Colonel Jones was also hard pressed. He had given his horse o a wounded man, and was walking away from the field, when a quad of the enemy's cavalry came rapidly up, having several of our man prisoners. But just then the intrepid Ashby rushed upon them with his usual impetuosity, and they fled precipitately. The prisoners, it is thought, were released, and Colonel Jones made good his retreat, and was overtaken by the charlain of his regiment at the hospital, looking kindly after the wounded, and taken on his horse to head quarters.

More gallant men than the field and staff officers of the First Brigade never drew the sword, perhaps, since man learned war. It seemed a miracle that they were not all swept off by the tremendous volleys of the enemy's infantry as their reinforcements of from three to four fresh regiments each time arrived, till an immense torrent of lead from an army of twenty thousand men po red down upon them; and yet they flicked not, but coolly gave their orders and red on the advance, and retired not till darkness covered the whole field of blood.

With such fighting, whatever the number of our enemies, neither Virginia nor the Confederacy can be conquered. Odds may frequently overpower, but simple brute force cannot continue to hold the posts gained for the moment. When it requires an army of 20,000 men, with all their strategy, guided by traitors to the manor born simply to over power for the moment only some twenty-five or seven hundred Confederate troops, while the enemy loss fifteen hundred or more, as is reported, in an action of only two hours, it is morally certain that they must ere long he overwhelmed themselves in catastrophe, demoralization and bankruptcy. Our loss in killed and wounded is small when compared with the enemy's.

As an eye-witness of that terrific fight at Kernstown, let me say, that the self-possession and mile courage of Col. Echols; the endurance, daring and success of Col. Ashby; the unflinching bravery of Gen Garnett; the cool, determined valor of our ever-undaunted Cols Cummings and Jones, and the resolute, active and over soldiers-like conduct of Maj. Gen. Jackson, make them the admiration of every true-hearted soldier, and should kindle flames of patriotic fire in the bosom of every lover of his country. We should be inspired with gratitude to God for their preservation, with the safety of our little army; for it was God that helped us in that awful hour of battle.

But we call upon the citizens of Virginia to rally to their flag, and help these brave men who have been fighting for their homes to drive back the tavaler from their soil.

‘ Who would be a traitor knave;
Was would fill a coward's grave;
Who so base as be a slave,
Hot him turn of fly C. S. A.

’ A private letter received yesterday evening gives us the following particulars in regard to this engagement:

"The fight was opened by the 27th regiment on our side, and soon became general The enemy's front was posted behind a stone fence, from which they were twice driven by our forces, but were strongly reinforced each time and regained their position. Those who were in the fight say the havoc among the enemy was terrible, the distance between the commending fore being not over 75 yards most of the time. From what on hear, this has been a brilliant fight on our part, and is rather to be considered a victory than a defeat — The 27th regiment suffered more severely than any other, being in the advance. They met the 1st bogus, Virginia, and slaughtered them without mercy. One of our boys got the Colonel's horse. In the 27th Colonel Echels had his arm shattered near the Col. Grigsby was wounded slightly in the face; Capt. Robinson was taken prisoner; Captain Hollowsy killed; in the Shriver Gray. (of wheeling,) Robinson and Fredericks were k Lieuts. Lutz, Rice, Snuby, Craclait and Lutz are missing — Lieutenant is Mitchell Wells and Smith are slightly wounded. Captain Shriver had his award shot from his hand. I hear nothing respecting third regiment. "

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