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[correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch]

Affairs of Pensacola — Yankees Alarmed — the army on the coast — good News from Mississippi, &c.

Mobile, Ala., March 21st, 1862.
Yesterday I was within a few miles of Pensacola, and conversed with several officers and others, from whom I warned some very interesting and encouraging facts, some of which it is not discreet to publish at this time. We are holding Pensacola, and intend to hold it to the last extremity, and at all hazards, and if the enemy should ever get possession of it he will find in ashes and ruin everything that might have rendered him any services. The Yankee force at Pickens and on the Island has been greatly reduced, so much so that the few remaining are reminding for fear that our men may make a dash upon them. A few nights ago there was an awful panic among them, and the utmost consternation pervaded every heart at the report that the "rebels" were about to make an attack. Gen. Jones, who succeeds Gen. Bragg, is spoken of as a fine officer.

Gov. Shorter has recently spent some days here, looking after the defences, and I am told that he expressed himself highly pleased with them. Volunteers are pouring in from the country, and the coast will be as well defended as circumstances will permit.

An officer just from Mississippi represents that gallant state as being all on fire with indignation at the doings of the enemy, and says that "there are not ten men but will resist to the last." *

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