Rev. P. P. Smith, of Florida, in a letter to the Southern Christian Advocate of Charleston, says that the planters of Florida are hauling their cotton into the open fields, away from their houses, to burn it, if the Yankees should approach.
Captain Daniel S. Dickinson, who shot Lieut. Grant, at Jonesville, Lee county, Va. some three months since, was discharged upon the hearing of the case before the examining court.
Gen. B. E. Lee writes: "The virtue and fidelity which should chart stern a soldier only be learned from the holy pages of the Bible."
The cotton planters of Lowades county, Ala., have taken a decided stand not to plant any more cotton until the blockades is raised.
Gen. F. W. Lander, of the Federal army, who died recently, was the husband of the well known notices known as Jean M. Davenport.
The church bells of Samr S. O., are to be said into howilgers for a light artillery company recently formed at that place.
The ladies of Lynchburg, at their rectal meeting, subscribed $161 to the gunboat enterprise.