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Two American Missionaries Slaughtered in China.

--A correspondent of the New York World, writing from Shanghai, November 15th, describes some of the appalling incidents of the civil war in China as follows:

‘ Civil war is a fearful thing, and the good people of American are now beginning to taste some of its bitter fruits — bitter enough in a Christian land, but seven-fold more so in this pagan empire. The principal victims here are not the strong belligerents, but helpless women and children.

And now I have to describe no less horrible scenes enacted by the rebels, and in which, with many thousands of Chinese, two Americans were killed — on the Rev. H. M. Parker, of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and the other the Rev. J. L Holmes, of the Southern Baptist Convention, both young men in the full vigor of manhood. They arrived in China some two or three years back, and not many months ago, after the opening of the northern ports, removed to the province of Shautung, where they found houses in or near Chifoo, called also Yental. Chifoo is a small town, or village, situated close to the sea on the north side of the Shautung promontory.

* * * * * * *

On Saturday, the 12th two gentlemen came in from the westward, one, the brother of Mr. Holmes, having traveled overland a distance of over two hundred miles from Tientain, and the other, a missionary, a distance of sixty miles, from Tungchan.--Through nearly all the regions over which they traveled the country presented one unbroken scene of desolation, devastated by fire and sword. The rebels had indiscriminately killed every living thing that came in their way, cattle, sheep, donkeys, goats, hogs, &c., &c. The men who were willing to join them they spared — all others who had not fled they killed.

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